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Acta Automatica Sinica
2011 Issue 8
Falling Forward of Humanoid Robot Based on Similarity with Parametric Optimum
KE Wen-De 1; 2 CUI Gang 1 HONG Bing-Rong 1 CAI Ze-Su 1 PIAO Song-Hao 1 ZHONG Qiu-Bo 11. School of Computer Science; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001 2. Department of Computer Science; Guang- dong University of Petrochemical Technology; Maoming 525000
Iterative Learning Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Input Backlash
ZHU Sheng 1 SUN Ming-Xuan 1 HE Xiong-Xiong 1
Stabilities of Linguistic Dynamic Systems Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
MO Hong1;2 WANG Fei-Yue2 XIAO Zhi-Quan2;3 CHEN Qian21. School of Electric and Information Engineering; Changsha Uni- versity of Science and Technology; Changsha 410114 2. State Key Laboratory for Intelligent Control and Management of Complex Systems; Institute of Automation; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Bei-jing 100190 3. School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; Wuhan Textile University; Wuhan 430073
Robust Adaptive Discrete-time Variable Structure Control of Uncertain Systems
SONG Li-Zhong1 YAN Sheng-Mao1 YANG Li-Qiu11. College of Electrical and Information Engineering; Naval Uni- versity of Engineering; Wuhan 430033
A Radar Target Maneuver Detection Algorithm Based on the One-dimensional High Resolution Doppler Profile
ZHU Yi-Long 1 FAN Hong-Qi 1 LU Zai-Qi 1 FU Qiang 11. ATR Key Laboratory; National University of Defense Technology; Changsha 410073
Background Modeling Adaptive to Outdoor Illumination Variation and Foreground Detection Approach
ZHAO Xu-Dong 1 LIU Peng 1 TANG Xiang-Long 1 LIU Jia-Feng 11. School of Computer Science and Technology; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150001
Color Constancy-based Visibility Enhancement of Color Images in Low-light Conditions
YU Jing 1 LI Da-Peng 2 LIAO Qing-Min 1; 31. Department of Electronic Engineering; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084 2. College of Computer Science and Technology; Beijing University of Technology; Beijing 100124 3. Graduate School at Shenzhen; Tsinghua University; Shenzhen 518055
Joint Feature Selection and Classification Design Based on Variational Relevance Vector Machine
XU Dan-Lei 1 DU Lan 1 LIU Hong-Wei 1 HONG Ling 1 LI Yan-Bing 11. National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing; Xidian University; Xi an 710071
An Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm Based on Grayscale Wave Transformation for Industrial Inspection Images
WEI Wei 1; 2 SHEN Xuan-Jing 1; 2 QIAN Qing-Ji 31. College of Computer Science and Technology; Jilin University; Changchun 130012 2. Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education; Jilin University; Changchun 130012 3. College of Physics; Jilin University; Changchun 130025
Multi-class Image Classification with Active Learning and Semi-supervised Learning
CHEN Rong 1 CAO Yong-Feng 2 SUN Hong 11. Signal Processing Laboratory; Electronic Information School; Wuhan University; Wuhan 430079 2. School of Mathematics and Computer Science; Guizhou Normal University; Guiyang 550001
Multiple Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Online Estimation of Target Birth Intensity
YAN Xiao-Xi 1 HAN Chong-Zhao 11. Key Laboratory for Intelligent Networks and Network Security of Ministry of Education and State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering; Institute of Integrated Automation; School of Electronic and Information Engineering; Xi an Jiaotong University; Xi an 710049
Cost-sensitive AdaBoost Algorithm for Multi-class Classification Problems
FU Zhong-Liang 11. Chengdu Computer Applications Institute; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chengdu 610041
A Novel Discords Detector for Periodic Time Series Based on Weighted Spherical Single Means with Phase Shift
WANG Jun 1; 2 CHUNG Fu-Lai 2 WANG Shi-Tong 3 DENG Zhao-Hong 1; 21. School of Digital Media; Jiangnan University; Wuxi 214122 2. Department of Computing; Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hong Kong
Interval-valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers Decision-making Method Based on Grey Incidence Analysis and D-S Theory of Evidence
LI Peng 1 LIU Si-Feng 11. College of Economics and Manangement; Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Nanjing 210016
Rational Function Approximation for Fractional Order Differential and Integral Operators
LI Wen 1 ZHAO Hui-Min 11. Software Institute; Dalian Jiaotong University; Dalian 116028