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Acta Automatica Sinica
2011 Issue 5
Distributed Scheduling Approaches in Wireless Sensor Network
NIU Jian-Jun1;2 DENG Zhi-Dong1 LI Chao11.State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology and Systems;Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology;Department of Computer Science and Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084 2.Beijing Special Engineering Design and Research Institute;Beijing 100028
Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks:A Semi-tensor Product Approach
CHENG Dai-Zhan1 QI Hong-Sheng1 ZHAO Yin11.Key Laboratory of Systems and Control;Institute of Systems Science;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190
PSO with Adaptive Mutation and Inertia Weight and Its Application in Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems
ALFI Alireza1 1.Faculty of Electrical and Robotic Engineering;Shahrood 361999-5161;Iran
Fusing Multiple Features for Object Tracking Based on Uncertainty Measurement
GU Xin1;2 WANG Hai-Tao1 WANG Ling-Feng2 WANG Ying2 CHEN Ru-Bing1 PAN Chun-Hong21.College of Automation;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Nanjing 210016 2.National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition;Institute of Automation;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190
An Improved PMVS through Scene Geometric Information
SHI Li-Min1 GUO Fu-Sheng1 HU Zhan-Yi11.National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition;Institute of Automation;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190
Detecting Traffic Parameters Based on Vehicle Clustering from Video
WU Cong1 LI Bo1 DONG Rong1 CHEN Qi-Mei11.School of Electronic Science and Engineering;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093
The Method of Fuzzy Classification and Searching for Knowledge Meshes Based on Information Granularity
YANG Ren-Zi1;2 YAN Hong-Sen1;31.School of Automation;Southeast University;Nanjing 210096 2.Department of Mathematics;Southeast University;Nanjing 210096 3.Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control of CSE;Ministry of Education;Southeast University;Nanjing 210096
Adaptive Coordinated Tracking for Networked Euler-Lagrange Systems under a Directed Graph
MEI Jie1 ZHANG Hai-Bo1 MA Guang-Fu11.Department of Control Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001
Simulation and Experimental Study of an Energy-based Control Method for the Serpentine Locomotion of a Snake-like Robot
WANG Zhi-Feng1;3 MA Shu-Gen1;2 LI Bin1 WANG Yue-Chao11.State Key Laboratory of Robotics;Shenyang Institute of Automation;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;P.R.China 2.Department of Robotics;Ritsumeikan University;Kusatsu-Shi 525-8577;Japan 3.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;P.R.China
An Energy Artificial Neuron Model Based Self-growing and Self-organizing Neural Network
BAN Xiao-Juan1 LIU Hao1 XU Zhuo-Ran11.Information School of Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083
Fault-tolerant Control and Disturbance Attenuation of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Actuator and Component Failures
FAN Ling-Ling1 SONG Yong-Duan1;21.Center for Intelligent Systems and Renewable Energy;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing 100044;P.R.China 2.National Key Laboratory on Rail Traffic Control and Safety;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing 100044;P.R.China
Predictive Control of Hammerstein-Wiener Nonlinearity Based on Polytopic Terminal Region
LI Yan1 MAO Zhi-Zhong1 WANG Yan2 YUAN Ping1 JIA Ming-Xing11.School of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110004 2.Liaoyang Municipal Development and Reform Commission;Liaoyang 111000
Improved Stability Criteria for Lurie Type Systems with Time-varying Delay
RAMAKRISHNAN Krishnan1 RAY Goshaidas11.Department of Electrical Engineering;Indian Institute of Technology;Kharagpur;West Bengal 721302;India
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Multiple Target States Based on Incremental Finite Mixture Model
YAN Xiao-Xi1 HAN Chong-Zhao11.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Intelligent Networks and Network Security;State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering;Institute of Integrated Automation;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Xi an;710049