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Acta Automatica Sinica
2011 Issue 4
A GIMC Architecture for Time-delay Systems
XIAO Qiang1 XIE Wei11. College of Automation Science and Engineering; South China University of Technology; Guangzhou 510641
Stabilization of Multi-steering Tractor-trailer Mobile Robot
YUAN Jing1 HUANG Ya-Lou2 SUN Feng-Chi21. Department of Automation; Nankai University; Tianjin 300071 2. College of Software; Nankai University; Tianjin 300071
Model Identification and Active Modeling Control for Rotor Fly-robot:Theory and Experiment
SONG Da-Lei1;2 QI Jun-Tong1 HAN Jian-Da1 WANG Yue-Chao11. State Key Laboratory of Robotics; Shenyang Institute of Automation; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shenyang 110016 2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100080
Soft-sensing Method of Gas Flow Distribution of Blast Furnace Burden Surface Based on Multi-level Hierarchical Fusion Algorithm
AN Jian-Qi1 WU Min1 HE Yong1 CAO Wei-Hua11. School of Information Science and Engineering; Central South University; Changsha 410083
An RVM Fuzzy Model Identification Method and Its Application to Fault Prediction
HU Chang-Hua1 WANG Zhao-Qiang1 ZHOU Zhi-Jie1 SI Xiao-Sheng1;21. Unit 302; Xi’an Institute of Hi-Tech; Xi’an 710025 2. Department of Automation; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084
Convergence of Iterative Learning Control with Feedback Information in the Sense of Lebesgue-p Norm
RUAN Xiao-E1 LIAN Jian-Bang1 WU Hui-Zhuo11.Department of Mathematics;Faculty of Science;Xi an Jiaotong University;Xi an 710049
Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes and Their Applications:A Survey
ZHOU Jian-Ying1 WANG Fei-Yue1 ZENG Da-Jun11. State Key Laboratory for Intelligent Control and Management of Complex Systems; Institute of Automation; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100190
Multibiometric Fusion Based on FAR and FRR
LI Yong1 YIN Jian-Ping1 ZHU En1 LI Kuan11. School of Computer Science; National University of Defense Technology; Changsha 410073
A Real-time Billboard Trademark Recognition Algorithm in Sports Video
BU Jiang1 LAO Song-Yang1 BAI Liang1 TOLLARI Sabrina2 MARSALA Christophe21. Science and Technology on Information Systems Engineering Laboratory; National University of Defense Technology; Chang- sha 410073; P.R. China 2. UMR CNRS 7606 LIP6 Laboratory; Universit′e Pierre et Marie Curie–Paris 6; Paris 75005; France
Object Detection Based on Shape Fragments
CHEN Guo-Dong1 SUN Li-Ning1;2 DU Zhi-Jiang1 JI Jun-Hong11. State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150080 2. Robotics and Micro-systems Center; Soochow University; Suzhou 215021
Channel Fault Tolerant Target Tracking in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Particle Filtering
YANG Xiao-Jun1;2 XING Ke-Yi2;31. School of Information Engineering; Chang an University; Xi an 710064 2. State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering; Xi an 710049 3. Systems Engineering Institute; Xi an Jiaotong University; Xi an 710049
Double Operator Morphological Filters
LEI Tao1 FAN Yang-Yu11. School of Electronics and Information; Northwestern Polytechnical University; Xi an 710129