A Real-time Billboard Trademark Recognition Algorithm in Sports Video
BU Jiang1 LAO Song-Yang1 BAI Liang1 TOLLARI Sabrina2 MARSALA Christophe21. Science and Technology on Information Systems Engineering Laboratory; National University of Defense Technology; Chang- sha 410073; P.R. China 2. UMR CNRS 7606 LIP6 Laboratory; Universit′e Pierre et Marie Curie–Paris 6; Paris 75005; France
Object Detection Based on Shape Fragments
CHEN Guo-Dong1 SUN Li-Ning1;2 DU Zhi-Jiang1 JI Jun-Hong11. State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150080 2. Robotics and Micro-systems Center; Soochow University; Suzhou 215021