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Acta Automatica Sinica
2007 Issue 2
huai nian qiao zhi sa li di si jiao shou
dai ru wei ; wang fei yue ; li chun sheng
A New Sufficient Condition on the Stability of T-S Fuzzy Systems
ZHANG Da-Qing;ZHANG Qing-Ling;HU Yue-Bing
Combined Controller Synthesis for Marked Graphs
LUO Ji-Liang;WU Wei-Min;SU Hong-Ye;CHU Jian
Network-Based Optimal Controller Design Based on QoS
PENG Chen;YUE Dong
A Multi-View Method for Gait Recognition Based on the Length of Body's Parts
PENG Zhang;WU Xiao-Juan;YANG Jun
Off-Line Chinese Signature Verification Based on Segmentation and HMM
CHEN Xiao-Su;WU Zhen-Hua;Xiao Dao-Ju
Constructing Common Quadratic Lyapunov Functions for a Class of Stable Matrices
ZHU Ya-Hong;CHENG Dai-Zhan;QIN Hua-Shu
Neural Network Control of Flexible-joint Robot Manipulators
Peng Ji-Gen;Ni Yuan-Hua;Qiao Hong
Guaranteed Cost Controller Design of Networked Control Systems with State Delay
XIE Jin-Song;FAN Bing-Quan;Young Sam Lee;YANG Jin
Further Result on Robust Stabilization for Uncertain Nonlinear Time-delay Systems
JIAO Xiao-Hong;SHEN Tie-Long;SUN Yuan-Zhang
KD(D&K): A New Knowledge Discovery Process Model for Complex Systems
YANG Bing-Ru;LI Jin-Hong;SONG Wei;LI Xin
Semi-Fragile Image Authentication Based on Zernike Moments and Watermark
WU Xiao-Yun;LIU Hong-Mei;HUANG Ji-Wu
Robot Self-Localization Based on Planar Laser Measurement
Zeng Hui;Wu Fu-Chao;Hu Zhan-Yi
Perceptual Contrast-Based Image Fusion: A Variational Approach
WANG Chao;YE Zhong-Fu
Constraint Processing
JI Xiao-Hui;ZHANG Jian
A Survey on Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
ZHOU Shu-De;SUN Zeng-Qi
An Adaptive Forecasting Method for Time-Series Data Streams
WANG Yong-Li;ZHOU Jing-Hua;XU Hong-Bing;DONG Yi-Sheng;LIU Xue-Jun
Multi-Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems Based on Mixed Logic
ZOU Tao;WANG Xin;LI Shao-Yuan
Multi Objective Optimization Model for Collaborative Multi-Echelon Inventory Control in Supply Chain
WEI Zhong;XU Xiao-Fei;ZHAN De-Chen;DENG Sheng-Chun