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Acta Automatica Sinica
2004 Issue 1
Study for Chaos Synchronization Based on General Lur'e Systems
liu bin ; liu xin zhi ; liao xiao zuo
H∞ Control Based on Observer with Additive Feedback Gain Variations for Descriptor Systems
chen yue peng ; zhang qing ling ; di ding
Adaptive Sliding Mode Fuzzy Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
liu dian tong ; yi jian qiang ; tan min
The Fault Isolation Strategy for System-Level BIT
li qiong zuo ; wen xi sen ; yi xiao shan
Real-Time Control of Nonlinear Underactuated System
zhu jiang bin ; yi jian qiang
On Well-posedness of PWM Control System
fan qi fu ; shi song jiao
Regularized Kernel Forms of Minimum Squared Error Methods
xu jian hua ; zhang xue gong ; li yan da
A New Approach to Automatic Seal Imprint Identification
guo tian de ; xu chuan xiang ; gao zi you
Simultaneous Stabilization for Singularly Perturbed Systems via Iterative Linear Matrix Inequalities
liu hua ping ; sun fu chun ; he ke zhong ; sun zeng zuo
Wiener State Estimators Based on Kalman Filtering
deng zi li ; sun shu li
Application of Evolutionary Neural Networks in Prediction of Tool Wear in Machining Process
li xiang long ; yin guo fu ; luo hong bo
Robustness of the Design by Unlocking Unstable Zero-dynamics
wang guang xiong ; zhang jing
Information Rates and H∞ Entropy in Multivariable LTI Control Systems
zhang hui ; sun you xian
Research on Reinforcement Learning Technology:A Review
gao yang ; chen shi fu ; lu zuo
Multi-Modal Data Fusion for Person Authentication Based on Improved ENN
liu hong yi ; wang yun hong ; tan tie niu
Outlier Mining for Time Series Data Based on Outlier Index
zheng bin xiang ; xi yu geng ; du xiu hua
Motion Compensation Based on Wavelet Coefficient Blocks
zhong min sheng ; ma zheng ming
Robust Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Difference-Algebraic Systems Based on Linear Matrix Inequality
chen yu dong ; weng zheng xin ; shi song jiao