Chemical constituents from leaves of Juglans cathayensis
CHEN Chao;HU Yu;SUN Jia-xiang;PI Hui-fang;ZHANG Peng;RUAN Han-li Hubei Key Laboratory of Natural Medicinal Chemistry and Resource Evaluation;Faculty of Pharmacy;Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan 430030;China
Effect of salt stress on different components of Glycyrrhiza uralensis
WAN Chun-yang1;WANG Dan1;HOU Jun-ling1;WANG Wen-quan1;2;CHEN Hui-jie1;LIU Feng-bo1 1.College of Pharmacy;Beijing University of Chinese Medicine;Beijing 100102;China 2.Engineering Research Center of Good Agricultural Practice for Chinese Crude Drugs;Ministry of Education;Beijing 100102;China
Chemical constituents from roots of Euphorbia yinshanica
ZHANG Ben-yin1;3;WANG Huan1;LUO Xiao-dong2;DU Zhi-zhi2;SHEN Jian-wei1;ZHANG Xiao-feng1 1.Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xining 810008;China 2.Kunming Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Kunming 650204;China 3.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Phenolic compounds from roots of Asparagus filicinus
TAO Hua-ming1;WANG Li-shu3;ZHAO Da-qing4;ZHU Quan-hong1;LIU Yong-hong2 1.School of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Southern Medical University;Guangzhou 510515;China 2.Key Laboratory of Marine Bio-resources Sustainable Utilization;South China Sea Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou 510301;China 3.Jilin Provinal Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences;Changchun 130021;China 4.College of Pharmacy;Changchun University of Chinese Medicine;Changchun 130117;China
Chemical constituents in Potentilla kleiniana
LI Sheng-hua;WU Xian-jin;NIU You-ya;ZENG Jun-ying Key Laboratory of Hunan Province for Study and Utilization of Ethnic Medicinal Plant Resources;Department of Life Sciences;Huaihua University;Huaihua 418008;China
In vitro investigation on improvement in puerarin intestinal absorption
LI Lin1;2;ZHANG Qiong3;YANG Zhi-jian2;LU Yang1 1.Department of Pharmacy;School of Medicine;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200025;China 2.Unilever R&D Shanghai Institute;Shanghai 200335;China 3.College of Bioengineering;East China University of Science and Technology;Shanghai 200237;China
Advances in studies on pharmacological effect and structure-activity relationship of chrysin and its derivatives
JIANG Jin-sheng1;2;WEI Ying-jie2;JIA Xiao-bin2;CHEN Bin2;TAN Xiao-bin2;MA Shi-ping1;HUANG Yang2;3;ZHENG Zhi-yin2;3;ZHU Jing2;3 1.Department of Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica;China Pharmaceutical University;Nanjing 210038;China 2.Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Drug Delivery System of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Nanjing 210028;China 3.College of Pharmacy;Jiangsu University;Zhenjiang 212013;China
Microwave-assisted extraction of flavonoids from Cajanus cajan leaves
JIN Shi1;2;YANG Mei1;2;KONG Yu1;2;YAO Xiao-hui1;2;WEI Zuo-fu1;2;ZU Yuan-gang1;2;FU Yu-jie1;2 1.Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology;Ministry of Education;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin 150040;China 2.Engineering Research Center of Forest Bio-preparation;Ministry of Education;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin 150040;China
Active components in six kinds of ground bamboo leaves and their anti-oxidant activities
NI Qin-xue1;2;3;LIU Ying-kun3;GONG Ling-xiao1;LIN Xin-chun3;FANG Wei3;ZHANG Ying1 1.School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310029;China 2.Agriculture and Food Science School;Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University;Lin’an 311300;China 3.Nurturing Station for the State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture;Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University;Lin’an 311300;China
Effect of different cropping rotations on enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil and production quality of Angelica sinensis
ZHANG Xin-hui1;2;ZHANG En-he2;LANG Duo-yong3;ZHAO Yun-sheng1;WANG Hui-zhen4 1.College of Pharmacy;Ningxia Engineering and Technology Research Center for Modernization of Hui Medicine;Ningxia Medical University;Yinchuan 750004;China 2.College of Agronomy;Gansu Agricultural University;Lanzhou 730070;China 3.Research Center of Medical Science and Technology;Ningxia Medical University;Yinchuan 750004;China 4.Deparment of Pharmacy;Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Lanzhou 730000;China
HPLC fingerprint and pattern recognition of Deng’s Herbal Tea Granula
DENG Jie-wei1;ZHANG Cui-xian2;LI Na1;YANG Yun-yun1 1.Guangdong Provincial Public Laboratory of Analysis and Testing Technology;China National Analytical Center of Guangzhou;Guangzhou 510070;China 2.School of Chinese Meteria Medica;Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine;Guangzhou 510006;China
Determination of naringin reference substance by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
LI Yun1;2;YANG Yuan-yuan2;3;DING Xiao-jing1;2;LIU Jun4;WANG Zhi3 1.School of Public Health and Family Medicine;Capital Medical University;Beijing 100069;China 2.Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control;Beijing 100013;China 3.College of Food Science and Technology;Agricultural University of Hebei;Baoding 071001;China 4.Division Chemical Metrology & Analytical Science;National Institute of Metrology;Beijing 100013;China