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Atomic Energy Science and Technology
2000 Issue 4
The Recirculation Gas Stripping Technique of Tandem Accelerator
LU Xiang-yang
Development Technologies of Radiation Processing and Their Applications in China Institute of Atomic Energy
CUI Shan;CHEN Gui-cheng;WANG Jia-ju;LI Tao;ZHANG Zhao-ming
Design of Beam Position Monitor System in HIRFL-CSRm
NIE Zhen-peng;ZHENG Yong;SHEN Zhi-qing
Detection and Analysis of Activity Ratio A(134Cs)/A(137Cs) at Different Altitude of the Fuel Rod
SUN Gang;YAN Jin-yuan;ZHOU Zhao-xian;ZHANG Bing
Removal of H2C2O4 Using HNO3 Oxidation Method
GUO Yi-fei;LIANG Jun-fu;HUI Hong-yan;SONG Chong-li;JIAO Rong-zhou;LIU Xiu-qin
The Behavior of Deuterium in Ti-32Mo-5Nb Alloy
XIANG Wei;DAI Jing-yi;FANG Ren-chang;ZHAO Guo-qing;ZHOU Zhu-ying
Measurement of Radiation-induced Interface Traps on BF+2 Implanted Si-gate PMOSFET
ZHANG Zheng-xuan;LUO Jin-sheng;YUAN Ren-feng;ZHANG Ting-qing;JIANG Jing-he
Development of an Automatic Scaler
MA Rui-gang;ZHANG Xin
Experimental Study of Single Event Effects on 80C86
CHEN Xiao-hua;HE Chao-hui;WANG Yan-ping
Burnout and Gate Rupture of Power MOS Transistors With Fission Fragments of 252Cf
TANG Ben-qi;WANG Yan-ping;GENG Bin;CHEN Xiao-hua;HE Chao-hui;YANG Hai-liang
Research of Radiation Effects on Typical CMOS Devices 54HC04 for Space Application by Using the 60Co Source
HE Bao-ping;ZHANG Zheng-xuan;GUO Hong-xia;JIANG Jing-he
Hydrogenation And Thermal Release of Hydrogen in Titanium Thin Films
SHI Li-qun;ZHOU Zhu-ying;ZHAO Guo-qing
Conversion of Simulated Solution of Americium (Rare-earth) Nitrate by the Microwave Denitration
BAO Wei-min;ZHANG Ji-rong;SONG Chong-li
Chemical Compatibility of B4C/Na/S.S.Ⅰ.The Effects of Temperature and B/C Ratio
XU Yong-li;LONG Bin;ZHANG Dao-de
Study on Characteristics of RF Resonance of Plasma in Parallel Plate Electrode
XIONG Jia-gui;WANG De-wu
Development of Ceramic Vacuum Chambers and Their Impedance Measurement
SHANG Lei;PEI Yuan-ji;WANG Xiang-qi;LENG Yong-bin;WANG Lin;FAN Kuan-jun
The Development of an Automatic Cycling System for the Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (AMS) Facility Based on the HI-13 Tandem Accelerator
YANG Bing-fan;KAN Chao-xin;CUI Xin-yi;SU Sheng-yong;JIANG Song-sheng;HE Ming;WU Shao-yong;JIANG Shan
Nonlinear Resonance and Halo Formation Induced by Space Charge
CHEN Yin-bao;HUANG Zhi-bin