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Journal of Yangzhou University(Natural Science Edition)
2014 Issue 2
Nearly μ-supplementation and p-nilpotency of some primary subgroups
WANG Keke;TANG Juping;Sch of Math Sci;Yangzhou Univ;
The influence of weakly μ-supplemented subgroups on the structure of finite groups
GAO Baijun;MIAO Liyun;LIANG Liang;Sch of Math &Stat;Yili Norm Univ;Sch of Math Sci;Yangzhou Univ;
π-Comodule algebra and π-comodule ideal
HENG Meiqin;SUN Jianhua;Dept of Teachers &Educ;Suqian Coll;Sch of Math Sci;Yangzhou Univ;
ZY rings
ZHOU Ying;LI Decai;WEI Junchao;Sch of Math Sci;Yangzhou Univ;Yangzhou Polytech Coll;
Existence of mild solutions for integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions
LIAN Tingting;LI Gang;Sch of Math Sci;Yangzhou Univ;Basic Dept;Yancheng Inst of Tech;
The Fujita exponent for the fast diffusion system with potential
SHI Jinxin;SHEN Juanjuan;Sch of Sci;Nantong Univ;
The numerical simulations of multiscale finite element method on Shishkin boundary layers
SUN Meiling;JIANG Shan;TANG Yuansheng;Sch of Math Sci;Yangzhou Univ;Educ & Tech Cent;Nantong Vocat Coll;
Copper(Ⅱ)acetylacetonate-catalyzed synthesis of N-substituted aryl amides
DING Huaping;LIU Hui;XU Sichang;WANG Xiaohu;DING Yuanhua;YUAN Yu;Sch of Chem &Chem Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Jiangsu Changqing Agrochem Co Ltd;
Determination of aluminium ion in oilfield water by Tween 60 micellar-solubilized spectrophotometry
CHEN Xueyan;SONG Bitao;XU Dan;ZHU Xiashi;WANG Chengyin;Sch of Chem &Chem Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Pet Engin & Technology Inst;Jiangsu Oilfield Branch Co Sinopec;
The variations of the Mascarene high and Australian high
LU Zhenyu;SU Tao;ZENG Yuxing;ZHOU Jie;FENG Guolin;Atmos Sci Coll;Lanzhou Univ;Sch of Phys Sci & Tech;Yangzhou Univ;Lab Clim Diagn &Predic;Natl Clim Cent;China Meterol Adm;
Verification of guide vane & multipoint flow-around flowmeter in pump unit model test
ZHOU Zhengfu;HE Zhongning;CHEN Songshan;Sch of Hydr;Energy &Power Engin;Yangzhou Univ;
Research on the battery-simulated DC power supply system
ZHAO Xuan;BAI Xinlong;XIE Xuefei;WANG Guiping;Sch of Automobile;Chang’an Univ;Sch of Electron &Control Engin;Chang’an Univ;
A rubber image enhancement method based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
LI Cheng;LUO Qie;DU Yuren;Sch of Inf Engin;Yangzhou Univ;
A mean shift tracking method combines with the prediction of Kalman
ZHANG Zhenghua;XIE Min;JIANG Tongyu;Sch of Inf Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Jiangsu Yifeng Commun Equipment Co Ltd;
Study on modification of composite cementitious material prepared by original FGD gypsum-slag
JIAO Baolong;HUANG Fang;JIAO Baoxiang;GUO Wei;LI Yuhua;Sch of Mater & Metall;Guizhou Univ;Sch of Mater Engin;Yancheng Inst of Tech;
Analysis for energy-saving and environmental-protection benefits of the domestic hot water system in a hospital
WU Denghai;NI Meiqin;YANG Xiufeng;XIE Zhixiang;WANG Bin;Sch of HydrEnergy &Power Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Sch of Hydr;Energy &Power Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Yangzhou Munic Inst of City Plann & Des Co Ltd;
Electrometric test for bus body frame based on virtual instrument technology
SUN Chao;ZHENG Zaixiang;CHEN Jingxin;YAO Nengdong;Sch of Mech Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Jiangsu Runyuan Water Equipment Co Ltd;
The effect of Fe-SBA-15 mesoporous material as catalyst on oxidation of phenol in aqueous solution
SHI Zhengqing;YANG Yang;YAO Riyuan;KONG Liming;Sch of Chem &Chem Engin;Yangzhou Univ;Yangzhou Petrochem Co Ltd;