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Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
2015 Issue 2
Influence of Formal Training on Interpreting Learners’ Reading Comprehension
LIANG Jun-ying;MAO Qiu-li;WANG Yun-qiao;School of International Studies Zhejiang University;Ernst & Young Huang Ming LLP;Hangzhou Office;
Effect of Perception Load on Self-face Attention Capture
ZHANG Zhi-jun;SUN Zhao;TANG Yi;ZHANG Xu-kun;Department of Psychology and Behavioral Science;Zhejiang University;
The Effects of Stimulus Salience on Negative Priming
FU Xin-chen;LI Xiao-dong;College of Psychology and Sociology;Shenzhen University;
Cross Time-Period Effect in Intertemporal Choice
JIAO Chang-yong;ZHAO Lei;HE Quan;HU Feng-pei;JIANG Cheng-ming;Center for Brain and Management Science;College of Economics and Management;Zhejiang University of Technology;School of Political and Public Administration;Zhejiang University of Technology;Institute of Psychology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Influence of Color Diagnosticity on Repetition Priming Effect in Figures
FU Qiao;ZHANG Rui-qing;WU Yuan-ying;NIE Ai-qing;ZHU Xiao-lei;ZHANG De-lin;Department of Psychology and Behavioral Science;Zhejiang University;Department of Anesthesiology;First Hospital;Medical college of Zhejiang University;
The Mechanism of Migrant Workers’ Entrepreneurial Intention:A Social Cognition Theory Perspective
XU Yue;DUAN Jin-yun;Department of Psychology;Soochow University;The Ministry of Education key research base of Humanities and Social Science—Soochow University Center for Chinese Urbanization Studies;Collaborative Innovation Center for New-type Urbanization and Social Governance of Jiangsu Province;
A Preliminary Eye-tracking Exploration on the Influence of Emotion on the Framing Effect
XU Fu-ming;SHI Yan-wei;WANG Wei;LI Yan;LIU Cheng-hao;LI Hai-jun;School of Psychology;Central China Normal University;Key Laboratory of Human Development and Mental Health of Hubei Province;Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior;Ministry of Education;
How Positive Emotion Affects Cognition:A Review on the Development of Models
LIANG Jia-ming;CHEN Shu-lin;Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences;Zhejiang University;
The Initiation Mechanism of Different Tactics in Screening Decision-making Process for Recruitment
WEN Nai;School of Business Administration;Zhejiang Gongshang University;
The Action Mechanism Study of Leaderless Group Discussion:Based on the Process Idea of Group Interactive Assessment
DING Xiao-lan;LI Heng;Zhejiang Shuren University;Insigma Group;Zhejing University;
New Development in Research on Self-face Recognition
YIN Yue-yang;ZHANG Lin;LI Yue;YANG Ya-ping;Department of Psychology;Ningbo University;