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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
2015 Issue 6
Latest Advancem ents of the Bridging Model Theory
HUANG Zheng-ming;School of Aerospace Engineering & Applied Mechanics;Tongji University;
Random Seismic Analysis of Multi-Supported Pipelines Subjected to Spatially Varying Ground Motions
LI Yu-yin;ZHANG Ya-hui;State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment;
Stochastic Bifurcations in a Duffing System Driven by Additive Dichotom ous Noises
WU Juan;XU Yong;Department of Applied Mathematics;Northwestern Polytechnical University;School of Mathematics & Information Science;Beifang University for Nationalities;
Shear Deformable Bending of Carbon Nanotubes Based on a New Analytical Nonlocal Timoshenko Beam Model
YIN Chun-song;YANG Yang;Department of Engineering Mechanics;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Effects of Surface Stresses on Contact Problems of an Elastic Half Plane With a Circular Cavity
OU Zhi-ying;WU Ya-wen;School of Science;Lanzhou University of Technology;
Numerical Simulation of 3D PTT Droplet Impact Onto Solid Surface With an Improved Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
XU Xiao-yang;PENG Yan;DENG Fang-an;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Shaanxi University of Technology;
Thermal Analysis and Optimization of Structural Parameters for Dry Gas Seal Rings
WANG Yan-zhong;PU Tian-xin;HUANG Rong-ying;NING Ke-yan;HAN Ming;School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation;Beihang University;China North Vehicle Research Institute;
Study on a Class of Diffusion Models for Dust Plasm a in Atmosphere
FENG Yi-hu;SHI Lan-fang;XU Yong-hong;MO Jia-qi;Department of Electronics Information Engineering;Bozhou Teachers College;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Department of Mathematics & Physics;Bengbu College;Department of Mathematics;Anhui Normal University;
Existence and Hadam ard Well-Posedness of Solutions to Generalized Strong Vector Quasi-Equilibrium Problems
ZENG Jing;PENG Zai-yun;ZHANG Shi-sheng;College of Mathematics and Statistics;Chongqing Technology and Business University;School of Science;Chongqing Jiaotong University;School of Statistics and Mathematics;Yunnan University of Finance and Economics;
Bivariate Osculatory Rational Interpolation on Rectangular Grids
JING Ke;KANG Ning;School of Mathematics and Statistics;Fuyang Teachers College;School of Management;Hefei University of Technology;
Optim ality Conditions for Proxim al Proper Efficiency in Multiobjective Optimization Problems
LI Xiao-yan;GAO Ying;College of Mathematics Science;Chongqing Normal University;