Diversity and classification system of weed community in Harbin City,China
CHEN Xiao-shuang;LIANG Hong;SONG Kun;DA Liang-jun;Department of Environmental Science;East China Normal University /Shanghai Key Laboratory for Ecology of Urbanization Process and Eco-restoration /Tiantong National Station of Forest Ecosystem;College of Landscape Architecture and Forestry;Qingdao Agricultural University;
Preliminary assessment of habitat of juvenile Collichthys lucidus in the Yangtze estuary
YANG Gang;ZHANG Tao;ZHUANG Ping;HOU Jun-li;WANG Yu;SONG Chao;ZHANG Long-zhen;Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of East China Sea & Oceanic Fishery Resources Exploitation and Utilization /Ministry of Agriculture Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Fisheries Resources and Environment of East China Sea and Yangtze Estuary;East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;