Climate suitability for tea growing in Zhejiang Province
JIN Zhi-feng;YE Jian-gang;YANG Zai-qiang;SUN Rui;HU Bo;LI Ren-zhong;Zhejiang Climate Center;Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Agricultural Meteorology;Shaoxing Meteorological Bureau;School of Geography and Remote Sensing Sciences;Beijing Normal University;
Effects of long-term fertilization on evolution of S forms in a red soil and a black soil
XU Chuang;WANG Song-shan;LI Ju-mei;MA Yi-bing;SUN Wen-tao;LUO Lei;ZHANG Shu-zhen;College of Land and Environment;Shenyang Agricultural University;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Effects Long-term Monitoring Network;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
The Chinese urban metabolisms based on the emergy theory
SONG Tao;CAI Jian-ming;NI Pan;YANG Zhen-shan;Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Harvard University;Dahua Engineering Management Co.;Ltd.;
Anaerobic biodegradation of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in municipal sludge
LIANG Zhi-feng;ZHOU Wen;LIN Qing-qi;YANG Xiu-hong;WANG Shi-zhong;CAI Xin-de;QIU Rong-liang;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Control and Remediation Technology;South China Institute of Environmental Sciences;Ministry of Environmental Protection;
Changes of non-structural carbohydrates and its impact factors in trees:A review
ZHENG Yun-pu;WANG He-xin;LOU Xin;YANG Qing-peng;XU Ming;Institute of Modern Agricultural Research;Dalian University;Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling;Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Applied Ecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences/State Key Laboratory of Forest and Soil Ecology/Huitong Experimental Station of Forest Ecology;