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Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
1993 Issue 2
The Effects of Pylon Stiffness on The Flutter of Wing/store System
Yang Zhichun Zhao Lingcheng
Analysis of Fluidelastic Instability of Tube Arrays
Wu Yihong Wang Xucheng
Approach and Application of the Structural Vibration Intensity
Yi Chuijie Lu Guangqing Huang Xieqing
The Experimental Investigation of Hardening Rules of Steel Used in Boiler
Liu Xinsheng Feng Xiquiao Cheng Fengyuan Xie Songtao
Elasto-plastic Analysis of Orthogonal Thin Plates and Shallow Shells
Wang Daobin Hu Ron
Analysis for Buckling of Simply Supported Plate Pedestal Subjected to Partial Edge Loads
Zhai Jiachang Liu Fangming Zhou Guoqiang