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Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
1993 Issue 1
Study on Spherical Shells with Cracks Emanating From a Hole
Liu Chuntu Han Wensheng
Parametric Variational Principle for Lubrication Problem of Perfectly Viscous-Plastic Fluids
Wu Chengwei Zhong Wanxie Qian Lingxi Sun Suming
Flow Analysis and Slip Factor Calculation at Outlet in Forward Multiblade Impellers
Yao Chengfan Tu Jieqiang Zhu Yingkang
Importance Sampling in Fracture Probability Analysis of Spherical Tanks
Zhou Zegong Liu Changhong
Experimental Research of the Squeeze-Film Damper for Slip-in Bearing
Liu Shixue Li Zhanliang
H-Transformation and Its Application
Hou Yu He Fubao
Note on In-plane Shear Modulus of Honeycomb Structures
Wang Yingjian
A Finite Element Method for the Plastic Buckling Analysis of Plates and Shells
Wu Lianyuan Hu Gangyi
The Analysis of Efficiency in Finite Element Substructure Parallel Algorithm
Hu Ning Zhan Ruging