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Chinese Journal of applied probability and statistics
2001 Issue 4
The SPC Charts with Parameters Unknown
zuo xiao long
The Finite Time Survival Probabilities in the Fully Discrete Compound Binomial Model
gong ri chao ; yang xiang qun
ρ Distance and Distortion-Rate Function of Random Fields
ye zhong xing ; pan xu shan
Statistical Inference in J-M Model
chen jia ding ; zhang ren ; lv bo
A Singular Distribution Function
liu wen
An Explicit Solution to Optimal Investment and Consumption with Partial Information
yang zhao jun ; li zhi zhong ; zou jie zhong
Construction of Mixed-Level Supersaturated Designs
liu min qian ; zhang run chu
Optimal Ordering Policies for a 2-unit Standby Redundant System
shi heng zuo ; ge guang ping
Φ-Admissibility of Linear Estimators in Restricted Growth Curve Model
chen qing ping ; fan wen tao
On the Uniformity of U* Uniform Designs
sun xian fang ; fan yue zu ; ning wen ru