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Medicine and Philosophy
2008 Issue 19
Michel Foucault and The Birth of the Clinic
GAO Jian-hong
shi fen lei huang di nei jing su wen yi shu de qi
luo chuan zu ; liu ming zhi
Focus on Pharmacoeconomics Evaluation and Research in Pharmacy Management of Hospital Clinical
CHEN Min-sheng;ZHANG Ju-zheng;SU Yong-qing
A Philosophical Analysis On The Function of Hospital Human Resource Management
XIAO Ya-zhou;CHEN Li-zhang;ZENG Chun-lin
On The Need to Strengthen The Theoretical Study of Health Organization
liu dian en ; wu xiu yun ; wu bing yi ; wang xiao qin ; yu xiu ping
Countries' Compensation-system Comparison of Adverse Drug Reactions
huang deng xiao ; sheng hong bin ; sun ji ; huang zuo min
How to Deal with Informed Dissent?
Ethical Defense of Gender Selection in Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis
tan zuo ; tan yue qiu ; lu guang ; he da ren
Incomplete Individuality and The Ethical Issues of Human Embryos
LI Cai-hua;FANG Bin
Qian Tian Wei Chang and The Annotation of Shang Han Lun
Li Yu-qing
"zhu you " de nei han shi zhi ji zuo yong
he you ; qiu hong zhong
guan yu wo guo yi xue jiao yu de ji dian si kao
xing fang min ; shang guan hui
gong gao
Investigation into Mental Health of 105 Peasants at Home
HU Yi-qiu;XIE Guang-rong;LIU Xian-hua
The Investigation and Countermeasure to Emergency Medicine Situation of Migrant Farmer Workers:a Report of 2 404 Cases
jiang shu yuan ; liu dan ; fu zhi min ; hu de bao ; hu hao yu ; jin hua
qian xi nong cun ge ti yi sheng ru he ying dui yi liao jiu fen
hua chun ; lai rui nan
The Reason Analysis for The High Rate of Medical Dispute in Three Aspects
LU Chuan-jian;XIE Xiu-li
Conflicts Between Medical Care Providers and Patients and Conflicts Management Strategy
lv ai qin ; wang jian hua ; shi hai ying ; cheng ai hong
The Treatment of Emergency Surgery Patients Refused to Sign The Informed Consent
ZHONG Xuan;SHI Xiang;LIU Qiu-sheng
Patients' Rights of Live, Health and Autonomy and Doctors' Right of Intervention:From The Case of LI Li-yun
fan hui ; ping xiao yue ; li xin xin ; liu yu feng ; xu xiao hong ; chen bo
Restrict The Illegal Human Body Experiment with Criminal Law
WANG Hong-fei