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Medicine and Philosophy
2002 Issue 8
Evidence Based Medicine and Consumer Health Informatics
zhang ming ming ; liu xue mei
Evidence Based Medicine——Methodology and Practice of Modern Medicine
dan han lei ; zhang ya li ; zhang zhen shu
Natural Philosophy Medical Model and Chinese Traditional Medical Ethics Standard
wang yi jing ; zhang fu li ; chang cun ku ; jie ying
Legality of Christianity Ethics and Voluntary Enthanasia
Paul Badham
Argument on Advantages and Disadvantages of Embryo Stem Cell to Human Society
2001 ji yan jiu sheng ji ti bian xie zu
Some Factors of Restricting the Selection of Scientific Research Subject of a Postgraduate
xiang xiao feng ; tang qi zhu ; hu you lun
Human Genome Project and Consciousness of the Times for the Doctor
yang si ji ; he da ren ; li gui yuan
On the Teaching Practice and Theoretical Inquiry of the Science of Clinical Thinking
wang zhen fang ; wang jian ding
Evidence Based Medicine and Treatment of Primary Liver Cancer
zuo chao zuo ; li yong guo
bing du gan ran de fang zhi wen ti yu dui ce
zhang fa ming ; zhang hui jie
lun yao li ge xing ji qi su zao
zhu rong hua ; zhou hong zuo
zen yang zheng que dui dai yao wu de bu liang fan ying
wang jin
shi lun huang di nei jing de sheng tai yi xue si xiang
tao gong ding
shi xi xi tong tuo min fa he he li qing xu liao fa zhi yi tong
wang xin jian ; guan jian
yi ke da xue sheng scl-90 ping ding jie guo fen xi
wei jun biao