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Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease
2011 Issue 8
da fan wei fu ming xing dong zhong shi shi xiao qie kou fei ru hua bai nei zhang shou shu de ti hui
yin hui li ; zhang cheng pei ; cheng jian hua
The therapeutic effect on canaliculitis treated with KTP laser and providone-iodine irriagation
kuang da li ; yin zhong gui ; liu chang ming ; chen yan yan
yan zhong yan wai shang 102 li hu li ti hui
zhong mei
The clinical application of pre-chop technique in phacoemulsificafion
YANG Guo-jin;WANG Rui-hua
ying you er yan wai shang 83 li fen xi
wang xiang li ; yan lan feng
Clinical Choice of surgical approach in the treatment of orbital floor fracture
LI Zhi-gang;MI Yan-fang;GENG Man-ying
Clinical effect of St.John\'s Wort Extract on intraocular pressure in perioperative period of narrowangle glaucoma
yue hong yun ; xu chao zuo ; cao hong ; zhang bai hong
The experimental study of clipped PMMA-Silicone keratoprosthesis implanted into alkali burned rabbit corneas
li na ; zhou wei ; du hong ; li xian wu ; sun heng ; wang yu ling
Effect of suramin on traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy in rabbit
SUN Hai-yan;YAN Ai-min;ZHAO Ping
Treatnent of myopia and astigmatism by sub-bowman keratomileusis
Clinical evaluation of trabeculectomy without conjunctival flap
TANG Mei-xiang;CHEN En-ya
lei xian duo xing xing xian liu wu zhen yi li bao gao
geng xiang e ; cang chuan hai
fuchs pu tao mo yan zong he zheng bing fa zheng de shou shu zhi liao
li shui qing ; liu ai mei
Cliuical effecfive of LASIK for hyperopic ~anisometropia in adoleacent
ZHANG Fen-ping;MA Hong-xia;LI Xiao-lin
The therapy of the congenital obstruation of naso-lacrimal duct
ZENG Yi-qun;WU Zhen
The application of bimanual irrigation-asiration system in treatment of adolescence traumatic cataract
han feng mei ; chu yan hua ; han quan hong ; he chan hui