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2009 Issue 4
Principal Differential Analysis of the Time Varying N-S Term Structure Model and Its Empirical Study
YE Zhen-jun;ZHANG Qing-cui;WANG Chun-feng
Empirical Analysis of Scale Economies and Internal Effects in Commercial Banks
ZOU Xin-yue;DENG Ting;WEN Dong-sheng
Optimization and Coordination of Inventory System in a Two-echelon Dual-channel Supply Chain
XU Chuan-yong;LIANG Liang;GOU Qing-long
An Empirical Research on Real Estate Bubbles in Anhui Province and Hefei City
SHI Ming-ying;NING Jian-hua
A Research on Establishment of Corporate Culture Measurement Scale for Enterprises in China
CHANG Ya-ping;ZHEN Yu;YAN Jun;ZHANG Jin-long
Luxury Brand and Mass-market Brand: Differences in Reference Group Influence
JIANG Ling;ZHOU Ting-rui;WANG Cheng-zhang
Review of the Mechanism of Consumer Evaluations on Brand Extensions
YUAN Yong-dan;DONG Da-hai;LIU Rui-ming;YU Dan