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Ludong University Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
2002 Issue 4
Introvert and extrovert personalities and their influences on learning
liu da wen ; wang hui ping
On the symbolic function of English phonemes
li yu hua
A contrastive study of the English and Chinese semantic fields of cuisine
jie hai jiang ; zhang li ping
Clarifying DU Mu's marriage
wang hui bin
CHEN Du-xiu and the "first great concession"
sun yan bo
The exact year of completion of A Survey of Foregone Dynasties
zhang xiu chun
The motivation for the names of three texts in the book Guanzi
zhang gu ye
Library management in an environment of automation
gao xian feng
The theoretical basis of intra-party supervision
wu jun
Toward a new system of solfeggio teaching
wu mei hua