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Rock and Soil Mechanics
2015 Issue 7
Mechanical and chemical characteristics of limestone during chemical erosion
DING Wu-xiu;CHEN Jian-ping;XU Tao;CHEN Hua-jun;WANG Hong-yi;Department of Civil Engineering;Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology;Institute of Longmen Grottoes;China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Co.;Ltd.;
Nonlinear displacement solutions for deep tunnels considering whole process of creep and dilatation of surrounding rock
CAI Yan-yan;ZHANG Jian-zhi;YU Jin;CHEN Shi-hai;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Huaqiao University;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Research on experiment and prediction model of dynamic resilient modulus of laterite soil in Southern Hunan
LI Zhi-yong;DONG Cheng;ZOU Jing-rong;ZOU Wei-lie;Hunan Communications Research Institute;College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics;Central South University of Forestry and Technology;School of Civil and Architectural Engineering;Wuhan University;
Experimental research on rheological properties of Q3 intact loess within ground fissures belt in Xi’an region
DENG Ya-hong;LI Li;MU Huan-dong;WANG Peng;LI Fei-xia;Department of Geology Engineering;Chang’an University;Open Research Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering of Ministry of Land and Resources;Chang’an University;Key Laboratory of Western China Mineral Resources and Geological Engineering of Ministry of Education;Chang’an University;Gansu Transportation Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;Third Geological and Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources;
di ji chu li jian ce ji shu
Pore water pressure measurement for soil subjected to freeze-thaw cycles
ZHANG Lian-hai;MA Wei;YANG Cheng-song;State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering;Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Model test on pile group foundation of a high-speed railway bridge above a goaf
LIANG Xin;CHENG Qian-gong;CHEN Jian-ming;LI Liang-guang;Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Faculty of Civil Engineering;Guangxi University of Science and Technology;China Railway 19th Bureau Group Co.;Ltd.;
Large-scale model test on bearing capacity of piled beam-slab foundation for wind turbine
MU Lin-long;LIAN Ke-nan;HUANG Mao-song;LI Da-jun;Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education;Tongji University;Department of Geotechnical Engineering;Tongji University;Guohua Energy Investment Co.;Ltd.;
Variation of the permeability of shallow brackish aquifers during synchronously pumping and injecting energy storage
MA Jiu-chen;WU Chun-bin;LIU Xue-ling;ZHANG Zhi-gang;School of Energy Safety Engineering;Tianjin Chengjian University;Key Laboratory for Efficient Use of Low and Medium Grade Energy of Ministry of Education;Tianjin University;
Research on combined fracture criterion of rock under compression-shear stress
ZHENG An-xing;LUO Xian-qi;School of Naval Architecture;Ocean and Civil Engineering;Shanghai Jiaotong University;
A shaking table-based experimental study of seismic response of three-arch type’s underground subway station in liquefiable ground
CHEN Su;CHEN Guo-xing;QI Cheng-zhi;DU Xiu-li;WANG Zhi-hua;Institute of Geophysics;China earthquake administration;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Nanjing University of Technology;Civil Engineering & Earthquake Disaster Prevention Center of Jiangsu Province;School of Civil and Transportation Engineering;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
Constitutively modelling the compression deformation of structured clay
ZHU En-yang;YAO Yang-ping;School of Transportation Science and Engineering;Beihang University;
An experimental study of the characteristics of impact forces between debris flow slurry and large-sized particles
ZENG Chao;SU Zhi-man;LEI Yu;YU Jian;Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Earth Surface Processes;Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Sichuan Engineering Research Center for Emergency Mapping & Disaster Reduction;Sichuan Geomatics Center;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection;Chengdu University of Technology;
Dilatancy behaviors and generalized plasticity constitutive model of rockfill materials
WANG Zhan-jun;CHEN Sheng-shui;FU Zhong-zhi;Changjiang Institute of Survey;Planning;Design and Research;Key Laboratory of Earth-Rock Dam Failure Mechanism and Safety Control Techniques of Ministry of Water Resources;Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;
Analysis of factors influencing dynamic stiffness of pile foundations
MA Meng;LIU Jian-lei;SUN Ning;KE Zai-tian;LI Lin-jie;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Railway Engineering Research Institute;China Academy of Railway Sciences;Beijing Engineering Consultation Co.;Ltd.;China Academy of Railway Sciences;
An experimental study of the compaction characteristics of sulfate saline soil
WEN Tao;MI Hai-zheng;YANG Peng;YING Sai;WANG Yue-li;College of Civil Engineering;Lanzhou University of Technology;
Indoor experimental research on bearing behaviour of TJ-1 lunar soil simulant
HAO Fei;JIANG Ming-jing;SUN De-an;YAN Chao;ZHANG He;WANG Chuang;Department of Civil Engineering;Shanghai University;Department of Geotechnical Engineering;Tongji University;China Academy of Space Technology;
Effect of confining pressure on stress intensity factors determined by cracked Brazilian disk
XU Ji-gang;DONG Shi-ming;HUA Wen;College of Architecture and Environment;Sichuan University;
Mechanical responses of muck under triaxial impact loading
LIN Wei-di;LI Zhang-ming;LUO Zhi-bin;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Guangdong University of Technology;
Measurement of gas permeability of cover loess and one-dimensional analysis of landfill gas emission
YANG Yi-biao;ZHAN Liang-tong;WANG Shun-yu;CHEN Yun-min;ZHAO Yun-fei;Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering of Ministry of Education;Zhejiang University;Guizhou Transportation Planning Survey & Design Academe Co.;Ltd.;Chengdu Solid Waste Disposal Site;
Experimental research on pile-soil interface shear behaviors of super-long bored pile
LI Yong-hui;WANG Wei-dong;HUANG Mao-song;GUO Yuan-cheng;College of Civil Engineering;Zhengzhou University;East China Architectural Design & Research Institute;Department of Geotechnical Engineering;Tongji University;
Minimum safety thickness of water and mud inrush induced by filled-type karst water bearing structures based on theory of slice method
LI Shu-cai;LIN Peng;XU Zhen-hao;LI Li-ping;GUO Ming;SUN Chao-qun;WANG Jing;SONG Shu-guang;Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering;Shandong University;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Key Laboratory of Harbor;Waterway and Sedimentation Engineering of Ministry of Communications;Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;
Study of formation mechanism and prediction of sinkholes in soil stratum induced by subterranean cavity
LI Tao;ZHANG Zi-zhen;ZONG Lu-dan;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Beijing Jiaotong University;
In-situ monitoring and analysis of tunnel deformation law in weak loess
LAI Jin-xing;FAN Hao-bo;LAI Hong-peng;XIE Yong-li;HU Zhao;QIU Jun-ling;CAO Ning-quan;Shaanxi Provincial Major Laboratory for Highway Bridge & Tunnel;Chang’an University;School of Highway;Chang’an University;
Dynamic responses of system of saturated viscoelastic soil and lining of a deep tunnel under a blasting load
YANG Xiao;ZHOU Lei;ZHANG Min;Department of Civil Engineering;Shanghai University;
Collapsing height prediction of overburden rockmass at metal mine based on dimensional analysis
ZHAO Kang;ZHAO Kui;SHI Liang;School of Architectural and Surveying & Mapping Engineering;Jiangxi University of Science and Technology;Institute of Engineering & Research;Jiangxi University of Science and Technology;
Analysis of dynamic response of inhomogeneous subgrade under moving loads
ZHOU Feng-xi;CAO Yong-chun;ZHAO Wang-gang;School of Civil Engineering;Lanzhou University of Technology;Western Engineering Research Center of Disaster Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Ministry of Education;Lanzhou University of Technology;
Rockburst prediction based on tunnel geological exploration and ground stress field inverse analysis
QIU Dao-hong;LI Shu-cai;ZHANG Le-wen;CUI Wei;SU Mao-xin;XIE Fu-dong;Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering;Shandong University;Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection;Chengdu University of Technology;
A method for multivariate parameter dominant partitioning of discontinuities of rock masses
SONG Sheng-yuan;WANG Qing;CHEN Jian-ping;LI Yan-yan;SHI Ming-yuan;College of Construction Engineering;Jilin University;
Analysis of disease investigation and long-term deformation characteristics of common fill embankment of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway
PENG Hui;MA Wei;MU Yan-hu;JIN Long;ZHU Dong-peng;State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering;Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Sciences;CCCC First Highway Consultants Co.;Ltd.;College of Resources and Environment;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Damping problem in discontinuous deformation analysis method
FU Xiao-dong;SHENG Qian;ZHANG Yong-hui;State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering;Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Inclined slices method for limit analysis of slope stability with nonlinear failure criterion
TANG Gao-peng;LI Liang;ZHAO Lian-heng;CHEN Jing-yu;School of Civil Engineering;Central South University;School of Railway Tracks and Transportation;East China Jiaotong University;
An analysis method for calculating compression modulus of foundation soil based on standard compression modulus and liquid limit
ZHAO Ming-zhi;LUO Qiang;JIANG Liang-wei;ZHANG Liang;MENG Wei-chao;Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering of Ministry of Education;Southwest Jiaotong University;School of Civil Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;
A model construction method for particle DEM with distance control and local Delaunay triangulation
WANG Xiu-ju;SHI Chong;LI De-jie;LIANG Bang-yan;YAN Chen-yu;Department of Architectural Engineering;Nanjing Communication Institute of Technology;Geotechnical Research Institute;Hohai University;CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Composite element algorithm for transient thermal field in fractured rock mass
XUE Luan-luan;School of Civil Engineering and Transportation;South China University of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Sciences;South China University of Technology;
An analytical model for loosening earth pressure considering matric suction based on Terzaghi soil arch effect
LIN Gang;KONG Ling-gang;ZHAN Liang-tong;CHEN Yun-min;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Zhejiang University;Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering of Ministry of Education;Zhejiang University;
Upper bound limit analysis of three-dimensional log-spiral failure mode of deep shield tunnel face
FENG Li-po;ZHENG Yong-lai;DENG Shu-xin;LI Wen-xun;Rail Transit Development Co.;Ltd.;College of Civil Engineering;Tongji University;
An improved fuzzy point estimate method for slope stability analysis based on neural network
SHU Su-xun;GONG Wen-hui;School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Development of a new horizontal plane strain apparatus
LUO Ai-zhong;SHAO Sheng-jun;Institute of Geotechnical Engineering;Xi’an University of Technology;School of Architecture Engineering;Guizhou University of Engineering Science;
guan yu dui ku lun tu ya li li lun de ruo gan xiu zheng de zai tao lun
zhou qun ; zhu jian ming ;
dui ku lun tu ya li li lun de ruo gan xiu zheng zai tao lun de hui fu
chen wen sheng ; li miao miao ;
ji chu gong cheng