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Rock and Soil Mechanics
2013 Issue 11
Subject of“mud science and application technology”and its research progress
ZHU Wei;MIN Fan-lu;L Yi-yan;WANG Sheng-wei;SUN Zheng;ZHANG Chun-lei;LI Lei
tu ti gong cheng dong li fen xi yu ji suan
zhai zi zhong guo jian zhu shu dian
Study of effects of tunnel construction on pile group in expansive soil
MA Shao-kun;WONG K S;L Hu;NG CHARLES W W;ZHAO Nai-feng
zhuang ji gong cheng yu dong ce ji shu 500 wen
zhai zi zhong guo jian zhu shu dian
Centrifugal model tests on sliding failure of a pile-stabilized high fill slope
LI Tian-bin;TIAN Xiao-li;HAN Wen-xi;REN Yang;HE Yong;WEI Yong-xing
jian zhu shi gong ji suan shou ce
zhai zi zhong guo jian zhu shu dian
Experimental study of energy evolution of limestone under loading and unloading conditions
ZHANG Li-ming;GAO Su;WANG Zai-quan
Water retention properties and mesomechanism of silt under consolidation effect
TAN Yun-zhi;HU Xin-jiang;YU Bo;ZHANG Hua;FU Wei
Effects of axial compression and confining pressure on energy dissipation of sandstone under cyclic impact loads
JIN Jie-fang;LI Xi-bing;YIN Zhi-qiang;YIN Tu-bing
Binary medium model for structured soils with initial stress-induced anisotropy
LIU En-long;LUO Kai-tai;ZHANG Shu-yi
Experimental research on softening in mudstone interlayer
REN Song;WEN Yong-jiang;JIANG De-yi;CHEN Jie;QU Dan-an;YANG Chun-he
Strength and deformation characteristics of Q3 sand loess under true triaxial condition
LI Bin;LIU Rui-qi;FENG Zhen;WANG Wen-pei
Experimental study of physico-mechanical properties of artificially cemented sand
WANG Xu-min;ZHAO Can;CHEN Shan-xiong;ZHUANG Xin-shan
Nonlinear characteristics and determinate method of elastic stiffness for soils due to low-amplitude small-strain vibrations
JIA Peng-fei;KONG Ling-wei;WANG Yong;YANG Ai-wu
Dynamic response of liquid-filled pipe embedded in saturated soil due to P waves
LIU You-ping;QIAO Lan;XU Bin
Experimental study of repeated frost heave and thaw settlement properties of silty sand
YAN Han;WANG Tian-liang;LIU Jian-kun
Ability analysis of HCA to imitate stress path of soil caused by train load
TAO Ming-an;SHEN Yang;WANG Xin;DAI Bo
Mechanism of infiltration-induced loess landslides
ZHOU Yue-feng;THAM L G;YAN W M;XU Ling
Study of shear strength characteristics of simulation rock structural planes based on multi-size direct shear tests
HUANG Man;DU Shi-gui;LUO Zhan-you;NI Xiao-hui
Study of structural constitutive model for red clay in Haikou
WU Xiao-feng;LI Guang-fan;HU Wei;WANG Xiao-liang
Rankine's earth pressure analysis of unsaturated soil under condition of rainfall infiltration
WANG Ding-jian;TONG Long-yun;QIU Yue-feng
Elastoplastic seismic response analysis of earth dam on deep sandy alluviums
FANG Huo-lang;ZHANG Yi-qun;GUO Jing;YIN Ge
Effects of near-fault ground motion on seismic response of underground cacerns
CUI Zhen;SHENG Qian;LENG Xian-lun;LIU Xiao-min;FENG De-ding
Study of reverse catenary shape of installation line for drag anchors embedded in seabed soils
LIU Cheng-lin;LIU Hai-xiao;ZHAO Yan-bing;WANG Chen
Analysis of nonlinear seismic effects of large-scale deep soft site under far-field large earthquake
ZHAN ji-yan;CHEN Guo-xing;LIU Jian-da;LI Xiao-jun
Slope stability analysis considering antecedent rainfall process
TANG Dong;LI Dian-qing;ZHOU Chuang-bing;PHOON Kok-kwang
Establishment of particle transport model in water source heat pump of physical clogging reinjection well
ZHAO Jun;LIU Quan-sheng;ZHANG Cheng-yuan
In-situ stress measurement and study of stress state characteristics of Jinchuan No.3 mine
ZHANG Chong-yuan;WU Man-lu;LIAO Chun-ting
Analysis of landslide mechanisms of a high steep rock hill with two-side slopes under ground shaking
YANG Chang-wei;ZHANG Jian-jing;ZHANG Ming;YAO Shu-ling
Slope reliability analysis using support vector machine
HE Ting-ting;SHANG Yue-quan;L Qing;REN Shan-shan
Determination of enrichment type of node in extended finite element method
YU Tian-tang;GONG Zhi-wei
Microscopic changes of Longxi loess during triaxial shear process
LI Shi-bo;WANG Chang-ming;MA Jian-quan;WANG Gang-cheng
A comparative analysis of strain localization of granular materials based on CLoE and Gudehus-Bauer hypoplastic models
CHEN Long;CHU Xi-hua;ZHANG Ming-long;XU Yuan-jie
Effect of element order on strength reduction finite element method
LI Cui-hua;JIANG Qing-hui;ZHOU Chuang-bing
Ore-pass panoramic scanning imaging device and its experiment to monitor ore-pass wall
LIU Yan-zhang;WANG Qi-fei;YE Yi-cheng;ZHAO Wei;SHI Zhi-jun;TU Fu-quan
Determination of permeability coefficient of soil based on CPTU
WANG Jun-peng;SHEN Shui-long
Dual-diaphragm fiber Bragg grating soil pressure sensor
CHEN Fu-yun;LI Chuan;CHEN Er-kuo;XIONG Xin;LI Ying-na
kan wu