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Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
2000 Issue 1
Environmental geotechnology-perspective in the 21st century
Hsai-Yang Fang
Reversible and irreversible dilatancy of sand
Zhang Jianmin
Research on theory and technology of improving soft clay with DCM
Zheng Yingren;Lu Xin;Li Xuezhi;Feng Yixing
Experimental research on the parameter of life rubbish in city
Zhang Zhenying;Wu Shiming;Chen Yunmin
Development and prospect of research on application of artificial ground freezing
Chen Ruijie;Cheng Guodong;Li Shuxun;Guo Xingmin;Zhu Linnan
The seepage pattern of saturated marine ooze after explosion
Zhang Jiahua;Wang Feng;Jin Liu
Research on CT structure changing for damping process of loess in Longdong
Pu Yibin;Chen Wanye;Liao Quanrong
Measurement and computation of earth pressures on two retaining structures
He Changrong;Chen Qun;Fu Haiying
Theory and methods on tests of the fracture toughness KⅠc of frozen soil
Li Hongsheng;Liu Zengli;Zhu Yuanlin;Peng Wanwei
Absorbed suction and principle of effective stress in unsaturated soils
Tang Liansheng;Wang Sijing
Laboratory study on the mechanism and beheviors of saturated loess liquefaction
Wang Lanmin;Liu Hongmei;Li Lan;Sun Chongshao
Analysis and design of foundation underpinning for No.1 subway Guangzhou
Gu Weiping;Li Guoxiong
Three-dimensional discrete element method and its application in landslide analysis
Jiao Yuyong;Ge Xiurun;Liu Quansheng;Feng Shuren
Analysis of landslide initiative mechanism based on stress-strain behavior of soil
dai fu chu ; chen shou yi ; li zuo fen
Gray prediction of ultimate capacity of single pile on statnamic load test
han xiao lin ; wang wu ping
Problem of longterm acute deformation on surface induced by combined excavation on mine-a case of study
sun shi guo ; cai mei feng ; wang si jing
li shi hui cheng yuan
bian zhe zha ji zhi san -- zhu bian fang tan lu
bian ji bu