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Acta Petrologica Sinica
2011 Issue 7
Indosinian epoch magmatic event and geological significance in the Tengchong block, western Yunnan Province
LI HuaQi1; XU ZhiQin1; CAI ZhiHui1; TANG ZheMin1 and YANG Mei21. Key Laboratory for Continental Dynamics of Ministry of Land and Resources;Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Tracing magma mixing genesis of the middle Early-Jurassic host granites and enclaves in Nyainrong microcontinent, Tibet from zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and Hf isotopes
LIU Min1; ZHAO ZhiDan1**; GUAN Qi1; 2; DONG GuoChen1; Mo XuanXue1; LIU YongSheng3 and HU ZhaoChu3 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China 2. College of Resources; Shijiazhuang University of Economics; Shijiazhuang 050031; China 3. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and Faculty of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China
The geochronology and geochemistry of intrusive rocks in Bange area: Constraints on the evolution time of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang ocean basin
GAO ShunBao1; ZHENG YouYe2;3**; WANG JinShou1; ZHANG Zhong1 and YANG Cheng1 1. Faculty of Earth Resources; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China 2. China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China 3. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China
Characteristics of facieology and mineragraphy of copper polymetallic ore deposit in Shesuo, Tibet
LIU Yan1;2; ZHAO YuanYi1;2; CUI YuBin3; LV LiNa1;2 and NIE FengJun1;21. Institute of Mineral Resources; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China2. MRL Key Kaboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment; Beijing 100037;China3. China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China
Tracing the provenance of inherited zircons from peraluminous granites in the Lhasa Terrane and its paleogeographic implications
ZHU DiCheng1; ZHAO ZhiDan1; NIU YaoLing2;3; WANG Qing1; DILEK Yildirim 4; GUAN Qi5; LIU YongSheng6 and Mo XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China 2. Department of Earth Sciences; Durham University; Durham DH1 3LE; UK 3. School of Earth Sciences; Lanzhou University; Lanzhou 730000; China 4. Department of Geology; Miami University; Oxford; OH 45056; USA 5. College of Resources; Shijiazhuang University of Economics; Shijiazhuang 050031; China 6. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and Faculty of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China
Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and geochemistry of intrusive rocks from Gunjiu iron deposit in the Nixiong ore field, Coqen, Tibet
YU YuShuai1;2; GAO Yuan3; YANG ZhuSen2**; TIAN ShiHong2; LIU YingChao4; CAO ShengHua3; HU WeiZheng3 and QIE HaiMan3 1. Wuhan Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources; Wuhan 430205; China 2. China Institute of Mineral Resources; CAGS; Beijing 100037; China 3. Jiangxi Institute of Geology Survey; Nanchang 330201; China 4. Institute of Geology; CAGS; Beijing 100037; China
Ore-control structural and geochronologic constrain in Shalagang antimony deposit in southern Tibet, China
ZHANG GangYang1; ZHENG YouYe1;2;3**; ZHANG JianFang1; ZHANG SuKun2 and FAN ZiHui11. School of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China2. School of Earth Science and Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China3. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China
Geochemistry and origin of Late Cretaceous (90Ma) ore-bearing porphyry of Balazha in mid-northern Lhasa terrane, Tibet
YU HongXia1;2; CHEN JianLin1**; XU JiFeng1; WANG BaoDi3; WU JianBin1;2 and LIANG HuaYing11. State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry; Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510640; China2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100039; China3. Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources; Chengdu 610081; China
Zircon U-Pb geochonology and Hf isotopes of the Early Cretaceous Rena-Co rhyolites from southern margin of Qiangtang, Tibet, and their implications
CHANG QingSong1;ZHU DiCheng1**;ZHAO ZhiDan1;DONG GuoChen1; MO XuanXue1; LIU YongSheng2 and HU ZhaoChu21. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and School of Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China2. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and Faculty of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China
Late Ordovician collision and orogen in middle Tianshan: Evidences of geochemical analyses and geochronology on metamorphosed granitoid rocks
WANG XingJun1; WANG GengHou1**; ZHUAN ShaoPeng2; LI GuangDong2; WANG DeQiang2 and WU LianHeng21. School of Geosciences and Resource; China University of Geology; Beijing 100083; China2. Hebei Institute of Regional Geological and Mineral Resource Survey; Langfang 065000; China
The zoning structure of clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the Miocene sodium analcime (nepheline) phonolite in Mibale area, Tibet: Implications for the magmatic and tectonic evolution
ZHAO WenXia1; YU LiFang1;2; CHEN JianLin3; GUO Qian1 and WANG BaoDi31. Instrumental Analysis and Research Center; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China2. No.719 Brigade of Bureau of Geology of Guangdong Province; Zhaoqing 526020; China3. Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guangzhou 510640; China
The petrogenesis of postcollisional potassic-ultrapotassic rocks in Xungba basin, western Lhasa terrane: Constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry
LIU Dong1; ZHAO ZhiDan1**; ZHU DiCheng1; WANG Qing1; SUI QingLin1; LIU YongSheng2; HU ZhaoChu2 and MO XuanXue11. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China2. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and Faculty of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China
Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of porphyry vein from the Jiama copper polymetallic deposit in Tibet and its significance
YING LiJuan1; TANG JuXing1**; WANG DengHong1; ZHENG WenBao2; QIN ZhiPeng2 and ZHANG Li31. MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Resource Assessment; Institute of Mineral Resources; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China2. Department of Earth Sciences; Chengdu Technology University; Chengdu 610059; China3. Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources; Chengdu 610081; China
Cenozoic bimodal volcanic rocks of the West Qinling: Implication for the genesis and nature of the rifting of north-south tectonic belt
YU XueHui; MO XuanXue; ZHAO ZhiDan; HE WenYan and LI YongState Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China
Sulfur, lead, strontium and neodymium isotope compositions of the Dongmozhazhua lead-zinc ore deposit in the Yushu area, southern Qinghai: Implications for the sources of ore-forming material in the deposit
TIAN ShiHong1; YANG ZhuSen1; HOU ZengQian2; LIU YingChao2; SONG YuCai2; WANG FuChun3 and XUE WanWen31. MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment; Institute of Mineral Resources; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China2. Institute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China3. Qinghai Institute of Geological Survey; Xining 810012; China
Felsic volcanic rocks from northern Tarim, NW China: Zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical characteristics
YU JunChuan; MO XuanXue**; DONG GuoChen; YU XueHui; XING FengCun; LI Yong and HUANG XingKaiState Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and School of Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China
Hornfels feature in the Jiama ore deposit, Tibet and its significance on deep prospecting
WANG DengHong1; TANG JuXing1;YING LiJuan1; LIN Bin2 and DING Shuai21. MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Resource Assessment; Institute of Mineral Resources; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China2. Department of Earth Sciences; Chengdu Technology University; Chengdu 610059; China
Study on fluid inclusion of Nongruri gold deposit, Tibet, China
LIU YunFei1;HOU ZengQian2**;YANG ZhiMing2;XIE YuLing3;LI YingXu3 and DU DengHu11. School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China2. Institute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China3. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Beijing 100083; china
Early Cretaceous granitoids in Xainza, Tibet: Evidence of slab break-off
ZHANG LiangLiang1; ZHU DiCheng1**; ZHAO ZhiDan1; LIAO ZhongLi2; WANG LiQuan2 and MO XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China 2. Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources; Chengdu; 610082; China
Zircon U-Pb chronology, geochemistry of the Late Cretaceous mafic magmatism in the southern Lhasa Terrane and its implications
GUAN Qi1;2; ZHU DiCheng1**; ZHAO ZhiDan1; DONG GuoChen1; MO XuanXue1; LIU YongSheng3; HU ZhaoChu3 and YUAN HongLin41. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China2. College of Resources; Shijiazhuang University of Economics; Shijiazhuang 050031; China3. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; Faculty of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China4. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics; Department of Geology; Northwest University; Xi’an; 710069; China
Bidirectional subduction of the Middle Tethys oceanic basin in the west segment of Bangonghu-Nujiang suture, Tibet: Evidence from zircon U-Pb LAICPMS dating and petrogeochemistry of arc granites
DU DeDao1; QU XiaoMing2; WANG GenHou1; XIN HongBo2 and LIU ZhiBo11. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China2. Institute of Mineral Resources; CAGS; Beijing 100037; China
Sr-Nd-Pb and zircon Hf isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of the Late Jurassic granitic porphyry at Qulong, Tibet
YANG ZhiMing; HOU ZengQian; JIANG YingFei; ZHANG HongRui and SONG YuCaiInstitute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China
The Neocene magmatism from Namuru intrusion in western Gangdese, Tibet and its tectonic significance
DONG GuoChen1;2; MO XuanXue1; ZHAO ZhiDan1; ZHU DiCheng1; XIE XuFeng1 and DONG MeiLing1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China 2. State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Nuclear Resources and Environment;East China Institute of Technology;Nanchang 330013; China
Chronology, geochemical characteristics and the significance of Shesuo copper polymetallic deposit, Tibet
ZHAO YuanYi1; CUI YuBin2; LV LiNa1 and SHI DengHua31. MRL Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment; Institute of Mineral Resource; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China2. China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China3. No.5 Geological Party; Tibet Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development; Golmud 816000; China
Re-Os dating for the molybdenite from Bolong porphyry copper-gold deposit in Tibet, China and its geological significance
ZHU XiangPing1;CHEN HuaAn1;MA DongFang1;HUANG HanXiao1;LI GuangMing1;LI YuBin2 and Li YuChang11. Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources; Chengdu 610081; China2. No.5 Geological Party; Tibet Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development; Golmud 816000; China
Study on mineralogy of Cr-spinel and genesis of Luobusha chromite deposit in South Tibet
ZHOU ErBin1;2; YANG ZhuSen3; JIANG Wan4; HOU ZengQian2**; GUO FuSheng1 and HONG Jun51. East China Institute of Technology; Fuzhou 344000; China2. Institute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Science; Beijing 100037; China3. Institute of Mineral Resources; Chinese Academy of Geological Science; Beijing 100037; China4. Institute of Geomechanics; Chinese Academy of Geological Science; Beijing 100081; China5. China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China
U-Pb age and geochemical characteristics of zircon in monzogranite porphyry from Qiagong deposit, Tibet, and geological implication
LI YingXu1; XIE YuLing1; CHEN Wei2; TANG YanWen1; LI GuangMing3; ZHANG Li3; LIU YunFei4 and LIU XiaoMing51. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Beijing 100083; China2. China Non-ferros Metals Resource Geological Survey; Beijing 100012; China3. Chengdu Center of China Geological Survey; Chengdu 610081; China4. China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China5. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics; Department of Geology; Northwest University; Xi’an 710069; China
Early Miocene leucogranites in Dinggye area, southern Tibet: Formation mechanism and tectonic implications
YU JunJie1;2; ZENG LingSen3**; LIU Jing1; GAO LiE3 and XIE KeJia1 1. Key Laboratory of Continental Collision and Plateau Uplift; Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 3. State Key Laboratory for Continental Tectonics and Dynamics; Institute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China