Tracing the provenance of inherited zircons from peraluminous granites in the Lhasa Terrane and its paleogeographic implications
ZHU DiCheng1; ZHAO ZhiDan1; NIU YaoLing2;3; WANG Qing1; DILEK Yildirim 4; GUAN Qi5; LIU YongSheng6 and Mo XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China 2. Department of Earth Sciences; Durham University; Durham DH1 3LE; UK 3. School of Earth Sciences; Lanzhou University; Lanzhou 730000; China 4. Department of Geology; Miami University; Oxford; OH 45056; USA 5. College of Resources; Shijiazhuang University of Economics; Shijiazhuang 050031; China 6. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; and Faculty of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China
Study on fluid inclusion of Nongruri gold deposit, Tibet, China
LIU YunFei1;HOU ZengQian2**;YANG ZhiMing2;XIE YuLing3;LI YingXu3 and DU DengHu11. School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China2. Institute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China3. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Beijing 100083; china
Early Cretaceous granitoids in Xainza, Tibet: Evidence of slab break-off
ZHANG LiangLiang1; ZHU DiCheng1**; ZHAO ZhiDan1; LIAO ZhongLi2; WANG LiQuan2 and MO XuanXue1 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China 2. Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources; Chengdu; 610082; China
Zircon U-Pb chronology, geochemistry of the Late Cretaceous mafic magmatism in the southern Lhasa Terrane and its implications
GUAN Qi1;2; ZHU DiCheng1**; ZHAO ZhiDan1; DONG GuoChen1; MO XuanXue1; LIU YongSheng3; HU ZhaoChu3 and YUAN HongLin41. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; School of Earth Science and Mineral Resources; China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China2. College of Resources; Shijiazhuang University of Economics; Shijiazhuang 050031; China3. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources; Faculty of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan 430074; China4. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics; Department of Geology; Northwest University; Xi’an; 710069; China
Study on mineralogy of Cr-spinel and genesis of Luobusha chromite deposit in South Tibet
ZHOU ErBin1;2; YANG ZhuSen3; JIANG Wan4; HOU ZengQian2**; GUO FuSheng1 and HONG Jun51. East China Institute of Technology; Fuzhou 344000; China2. Institute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Science; Beijing 100037; China3. Institute of Mineral Resources; Chinese Academy of Geological Science; Beijing 100037; China4. Institute of Geomechanics; Chinese Academy of Geological Science; Beijing 100081; China5. China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China
U-Pb age and geochemical characteristics of zircon in monzogranite porphyry from Qiagong deposit, Tibet, and geological implication
LI YingXu1; XIE YuLing1; CHEN Wei2; TANG YanWen1; LI GuangMing3; ZHANG Li3; LIU YunFei4 and LIU XiaoMing51. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Science and Technology Beijing; Beijing 100083; China2. China Non-ferros Metals Resource Geological Survey; Beijing 100012; China3. Chengdu Center of China Geological Survey; Chengdu 610081; China4. China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083; China5. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics; Department of Geology; Northwest University; Xi’an 710069; China
Early Miocene leucogranites in Dinggye area, southern Tibet: Formation mechanism and tectonic implications
YU JunJie1;2; ZENG LingSen3**; LIU Jing1; GAO LiE3 and XIE KeJia1 1. Key Laboratory of Continental Collision and Plateau Uplift; Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China 3. State Key Laboratory for Continental Tectonics and Dynamics; Institute of Geology; Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037; China