Diagenesis of carbonate sediments
ZHAO YanYan and ZHENG YongFei CAS Key Laboratorey of Crust-Mantle materials and Environments;School of Earth and Space Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
On the origin of low δ~(18)O magmatic rocks
ZHANG ShaoBing and ZHENG YongFei CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments;School of Earth and Space Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China
Advances and application in magnesium isotope geochemistry
KE Shan1;2;LIU ShengAo2;3;LI WangYe2;3;YANG Wei2;4 and TENG FangZhen2 1. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China2. Isotope Laboratory;Department of Geosciences and Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences;University of Arkansas;Fayetteville;AR 72701;USA3. CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments;School of Earth and Space Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China4. State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
Water on the Moon
LIU Yang and Lawrence A TAYLOR Planetary Geosciences Institute;Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences;University of Tennessee;Knoxville;TN 37996;USA
Studies of metamorphic vein in ultrahigh-pressure rocks
SHENG YingMing1;ZHENG YongFei1 and WU YuanBao2 1. CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments;School of Earth and Space Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China2. State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources;Faculty of Earth Sciences;China University of Geosciences;Wuhan 430074;China