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Journal of Yanshan University
2005 Issue 5
Experiment study on size effect of concrete sheer fracture
HAO Cai-zhe;LI Hui-jian;JIA Zhi-ning;YAN Xiao-li
Study on phloroglucinol wastewater treatment
MENG Zheng-jun;WANG Bo;WANG Xiu-li
Calculation of force of compound roll straighten device of heavy rail
YU Feng-qin;YU Hui;DU Feng-shan
Curve fitting based on digitized section data in reverse engineering
LIU Guo-hui;ZHOU Wei-hai;LI Jian
Valuation model of enterprise financial capability
CHEN Jing-pu
Fuzzy-decision of competitive intelligence
CHENG Ying-jie
Reliability analysis of warm nonmaintained redundant of two different components repairable system with continuous lifetime switch
CHEN Guang-juan;MENG Xian-yun;LIU Yan;LIU Le-chun;ZHANG Hai-feng;JIN Yia-pei
Method of optimal allocation of system reliability
LIU Yan;MENG Xian-yun;CHEN Guang-juan;JIN Ya-pei;ZHANG Hai-feng
Algorithm for skyline queries based on window query
LIU Xin;YU Jing;LIU Guo-hua
Research and implementation of distributed real-time event service based on CORBA
WANG Xin-sheng;LI Hong-tao;Wei Jin-tai;Guo Hui
A model for cardinal direction relations based on linetype objects
LIU Yong-shan;HUANG Zhang-jun;JIANG Shu-kui
Update of the relational databases under fuzzy null value environment Ⅲ: insertion
WANG Yan-liang;CAI Xing-zhou
Research on publishing and storage of GIS spatial data
WANG Ying;LIU Guo-hua;LI Ji-hui