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Subtropical Plant Science
2005 Issue 2
A Review of Study on Sod Cultivation in Fruit Orchard
LIU Chuan-he;CHEN Jie-zhong
Progress in Chemical Constituents of Nyssaceae Family
Huang Jiang;LIU Rong;WANG Cong-Zhou;OUYANG Ming-an
A Review of the Advances in Cytokinin Biosynthesis ipt Gene
WU Ji-lin;WANG Zai-hua;YE Qing-sheng;LI Ling
Tissue Culture of Stephanotis floribunda
ZHANG Shu-he;ZHOU Long-sheng;LIN Jia-geng;WU Wei-jian
High-efficient Regeneration System of Torenia fournieri from Root Section Induced by TDZ
KANG Pei-jing;LI Mei-lan;LI Hong-qing
Study on 60Coγ Radiate Mutation in Breeding of phalaenopsis
ZHANG Ning;SU Ming-hua;LIU Fu-ping;LIN Qing-hong
Distribution and Medical Value of Rodgeris aesculifolia and Its Exploitation
ZHANG Xiao-yan;LI Duo-wei;WANG Yi-Chao;SUN Shi-qing
Effects of Cold Storage and Culture Style on the Flowering Regulation of Iris × hollandica
Lin Bing;HUANG Min-ling;YE Yi-yuan;WU Jian-she;YE Xiu-xian
An Elementary Report on Introduction of Six Early-Maturing and Tasty Eurasia Grape Varieties
Liu Yu-rong;LIN Song-cang;YANG Hui-chang;ZHENG Yi-qing;WEI Ze-ping
Making Template DNA in the Analysis of Tobacco Germplasm Based on AFLP Fingerprint
YANG You-cai;ZHOU Qing-ming;YIN Han-qi
Measurement of Ursolic Acid Content in Clerodendranthus spicatus
ZHANG Ping;HU Tan-lian;LUO Guan-xing;TIE Wan-zhu;LAN Shi-kuan
Karyotype Analysis of Canna indica
LI Guo-tai
Karyotype Analysis of Two Buckwheat Variety Chromosomes
Du Xing;CHEN Min-yan;LIU Peng;XU Gen-di
Effects of Weeding Compound Fertilizer "Dao-shui-bao" on Rice Production
XIAN Hua-sheng;XIAN Hua-zhang;Fan Quan;ZHOU Yang
Effects of Municipal Domestic Sewage Effluents on the Growth of Calendula officinalis
LIU Jun-wei;HU Hong-you;XU Gan-zhi;CHEN Deng-xiong;LU Chang-yi
Application of the Principle Component Analysis on Mango Storage Characteristic
ZHANG Zhen-wen;YAO Qing-qun
Effects of Water Stress on Pollen Viability and Storability of Macadamia
WANG Li-na;CHEN Li-lin;LIU Jian-fu;TANG Qing-lin
Effects of Chemical Treatment and Bagging on Fruit Quality of Cara Cara
WANG Gui-yuan;XIA Ren-xue
Effect of Manganese on Some Physiological Characteristics of Soybean
YANG De-jun;YANG Wei-yun;LIU Peng;LU Xiao-hong;XU Gen-di