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Drug Evaluation
2016 Issue 9
bian wei hui zu zhi ji gou
Chinese Experts Consensus Statement on Premixed Insulin in the Clinical Practice
Chinese Society of Endocrinology;
Hyperglycemia, Antihyperglycemic Drugs and Tumor
WENG Yan-jun;,LIU Ying;,SONG Dian-ping;
Study on the Low Potassium and Endocrine Diseases
LIU Hong-yan;,GU Wei-junRevised;
The Clinical Application of Kangfuxin Liquid Combined with Metronidazole in the Treatment after Hemorrhoid Surgery
XIAO Jun;,LIU Ju-zhuang;,LIU Shao-lin;,LONG Lan-zhen;,XIAO Tai-gang;