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Drug Evaluation
2016 Issue 6
Clinical pharmacists in the management of drug overdose:opioids
SUN Shu-sen;,ZHAO Zhi-gang;
Analysis of antibiotics used in shanghai sample hospitals during 2011~2013
XI Yu-fei;,XU Qin-fen;,GUI Cheng;,LIU Gao-lin;
Analysis of Caring to a Tumor Patient with Anticoagulant Therapy during Chemotherapy
FANG Ying-li;,LIU Xiang-hong;
Clinical Value of Sequential Therapy with Azithromycin in the Treatment of Bronchial Pneumonia in Children
XIAO Feng-yan;,XIAO Guo-yuan;,FU Chang-lian;
Chinese and western medicine combined application analysis of adverse drug reactions
PU Hui-zheng;,GONG Cui-ping;
Using PDCA cycle to continuously improve adverse drug reaction monitoring work and the effect
HUANG Shi-jing;,XI Heng;,HE Qin;
Retrospective analysis of drug consultation in out-patients of our hospital
QIAN Xin;,ZHANG Gui-chun;,XIE Juan;
Practice and Thinking of Rotary Pharmacist Pharmacy Services Development
LI Xin-chen;,LIU Jing;
7 Cases Unreasonable Prescription of Captopril Analysis
LUO Jiang;