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Drug Evaluation
2015 Issue 20
Overview of Research on Safety Injection
SHAN Wen-wei;,CUI Rong;,LV Qiang;
Investigation and Analysis of Digoxin Serum Concentration Monitoring
GAO Xiang;,XIAO Mian-juan;,WU Hai-yan;
Comparison of Two Primary Rat Hepatocytes Preparation Methods
SUN Xu;,LUO Yu-ping;
Application analysis of the Acid-Suppressive drugs used in inpatients in one hospital
Huang Xue-di;,Peng Tian-zhong;,Tang Li-hua;,Yan Yi;,Hu Xiao-ling;
The Current Work and the Problems of Clinical Pharmacists Participating in Clinical Medication in the Grass-roots Hospitals
JIN Xu-hui;,ZANG Bei-bei;,LIU Xiao-fei;,CHAI Xiao-fang;
The survey of hypertension patients status with Aspirn application living in remote areas of Beijing
Li Qi-zhi;,Yan Zhi-jun;,Zhang Dong-sheng;,JiangZaihui;,YuBo;,Lu Si nan;,Cang Xiao wei;