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Drug Evaluation
2015 Issue 19
su du
Chinese evidences of insulin therapy indiabetic patients
zhu kai si ;
Chinese evidences of insulin initiationin type 2 diabetic patients
chen ya ning ;, yao he bin ;
Simple and effective selection of insulintherapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus in China:premixed insulin
xia zuo ;, xu jin mei ;, cheng zhi feng ;
Type 2 diabetes insulin treat mentstarting time of evidence in China
zhao lei ;, zhu kai si ;
Chinese evidence of insulin safety intype 2 diabetic patients
zhang jie qiong ;, zuo jian ;
Evindence of insulin treatment inChinese type 1 diabetes
yi min ;, chen hong ;
Chinese evidence of insulin therapy for hyperglycemia complicating pregnancy
zhang ying ;, liang lin lang ;
Chinese evidences of new progresses inthe study of blood glucose monitoring
zheng lei ( zong shu );, yin shi nan ( shen xiao );