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Journal of Yunan Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
2011 Issue 1
Comparison on the Pre-service Mathematics Teacher Education and Curriculum Structure
Design of Hilbert Transform Pairs of Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet
LI Wan-she;TIAN Li-wei
The Visual Research of Round Membrane Vibration
GONG Jian-hui;YAN Bi-ge
Investigation on tunnel-junction with wide band-gap for triple-junction GaAs solar cell
TU Jie-lei;ZHANG Wei;ZHAO heng-li;Li Ye;FU Rui;ZHAO Pei-kun
Characteristic Investigation of Concentration Silicon Solar Cell Arrays Based on the Trough Concentrating System
XU Ling;LI Ming;LI Guo-liang;HUANG Bo;WEI Sheng-xian
FDTD Method Analysis of the Cut-off Frequency of Metal Coaxial Line Filled with Dielectric
LIN Fu-ming;ZHENG Qin-hong;YAO Bin;WANG Jian-min;LI Sheng-hui;XU Wan-song;LI Lin
Filter SQP Method with NCP Function
LIU Ci-wen;PU Ding-guo
Preparation of Phosphorus with Phosphorus Ores under Vacuum
LI Qiu-xia;CHEN Shui-fen;LIU Yu-cheng;ZENG Bo;LI Cong;WANG Yu-fei
Performance Investigation of V-trough Concentrating PV System
HUANG Bo;LI Ming;WEI Sheng-xian;LI Guo-liang;LUO Xi;WANG Bing-can
δ- Connectness in L-Bitopological space
WANG Xiao-xia;LI Sheng-gang
Multi-frequencies Radiation in Blazars
KANG Ting;KANG Shi-ju;ZHENG Yong-gang
Investigation on Installation height of Storage Tank for Natural Circulation Flat Plate Solar Collector
ZHENG Tu-feng;LI Ming;WEI Sheng-xian;LUO Xi;WANG Bing-can