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Journal of Yunan Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
2009 Issue 5
Computing the Period of Light Variability in Seyfert Galaxy 3c120 Using the Jurkevich Method
LIU Kai-bo;YANG Dong-mo;Hou De-dong;ZHANG Xiong;DING Liang;TANG Ling;DONG Fu-tong
Active Galactic Nuclei and The Accretion Rate
ZHANG Jiang-hong;LI Yon-bo;FANG Wen-hui;ZHANG Xion
Particle jet accelerated simultaneous numerical solution of radiation
ZHANG Jin-bo;FANG Wen-hui;DONG Hong-wei;LIU Xu-dong;ZHENG Yong-gang
Theory of Syntatic Truth Degree in Two Value Propositional Logic System
GONG Jia-an;WU Hong-bo
Hopf Bifurcation of A General Hematopoiesis Model
LI Na;GHEN Si-yang
Diagnostic and influence analysis for Poisson regression model
SHI Hong-xing
Multivalued Directed Angle and the Generalization of the Miquel\'s Theorem
WU Weng-liang;HUANG Yong
Investigation of lower hybrid current drive efficiency based on hot conductivity theory
ZHAO Ye-lin;GUO Ai-xing;LI Mei;CAI Wu-de;CHEN Zhong-yong
The Flow Resolution of Hydraulic Muffler Two Kinds of Input Signal On CFD Method
SHAN Chang-ji;WU Wen-liang;FU Zai-qi
Analysis on the Competitive Force of Employment of the College Graduates
YANG Chun-hua;YANG Ling
LO Based Learning Resources Management System
XIAO Fei;XIAO Lan-nan;WANG Hong-wei;LU Yu-dan
The dynamic relationship between groundwater and industrial activities -take Yulin city for example
CAO Xiao-xing;YAN Jun-ping;YAN Jun-hui
From the modern urban design culture of Chinese paper-cut art Suggestions
FAN Ya-ling;LIU Jian-li