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Journal of Yunan Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
2006 Issue 6
The trigger's application of digital intergrated circuit
HE Chun-hua
On the eqponential diophantine equation p2x-pxDy+D2y=z2
LE Mao-hua
Effects of different load exercises increased by degrees on the indice of creatine kinase in blood serum of plateau sprinters
KANG Lian;YUAN Ji-xue;ZHOU Zong-lin;YAN Rui-qing;XU Fang;ZHOU Ai-Hua
Effects of Several Effectors on the Activity of Pectinase from Aspergillus niger
LIN Jian-cheng;WANG Zhi-peng;YANG Wen-jie;ZHU Li-hua
DFT Study on the Reaction Mechanism of BrONO2+ O(3P)
CHI Shao-ming;CHEN Rong
Multipole theory analysis of axisymmetrically loaded cavities
ZHENG Qin-hong;XIE Xue-bin;ZHONG Ru-neng;CAI Wu-de
The design of multi-dimension data model for data warehouse
ZENG Rui;TAO Yao-hua
The Protocol Selection Based on MPLS Traffic Engineering
LING Yong-fa;WANG Jie;CHEN Yue-bin
Schedule arrangement based on simulated annealing algorithm
LIANG Li;XIAO Fei;LI Zhi-hong
Stochastic Comparison of Used Parallel System and Series System
WANG Feng-xiao
Permanence for the Predation System of Three Species with Feedback Controls
TIAN Ya-pin;CHEN Si-yang