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Journal of Yunan Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
2001 Issue 1
The Analysis and Evaluation of Economic Development in Shilin Area
ZHAO Bo;ZENG Zhi-liu
A Study on High School and Elementary School Environmental Education of Kunming
LI Ya;WANG Jin-liang;HE Yun-yan;JIAO Yuan-mei
A Study on Environment Impact Assessment of Ecotourism
ming qing zhong ; li hong ; wu you de
Effects of biology methological education on biological disciplines in the normal university
cai jin hong ; lin wei dong ; wang zhong li
Study On the Synthesis Of Aminosulfonic Acid and Allantoin
bi xian jun ; xu guo tao ; zi fu ting
Present Situation of Biomass and Gasification Technology and Its Development
ZHONG Hao;XIE Jian;YANG Zong-tao;ZHANG Wu-di;SONG Hong-chuan
The Measuring System of Spectral Response for Silicon Solar Cell
LI Jing-tian;LIU Zu-ming;Liu Jian-hong;Gao Tian-rong;yang Gui-fen;ShiWen-yin
Developing OA System by Lotus Notes 5.0
XU Tian-wei;XIA You-ming;LI Song-lin;CHEN Yu-kui
The Research of CAI Teaching System and Design of Class Courseware
XIA You-ming;LIN Yu-cai;ZHANG Chun-hong;XU Tian-wei
The LL* integral (news in brief)
LU Guang-guo
Wavelets Analysis on Kriging Spatial Prediction
A Common Fixed-Point Theorem on p-Metric Space
YANG Han-sheng;XIONG Da-sheng
On Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem
Xian WU