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Journal of Yunan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
2002 Issue 6
Living-method and the theory of rhetorical method
zhou zuo
The study on the Zhuangzi in the vision of the moden language philosophy
zhong shi lian ; guo jing hua
yun nan yu yan yan jiu ji qi zou xiang
dai qing xia
The similarity and difference between literature creation and translation
luo shun jiang ; ma yan hua
On Yuan Jiagu's Wo Xue Shi Hua
yang tian ; yang kai da
A Glimpse of Yu Dafu's novel featuring Chinese students abroad
zhou wen ying
On the cultural implication of Liang Shiqiu's proses
fu de zuo
Reflecting on The "MICE" and "MICE" tourism
wu ming yuan ; ye wen ; li ya
The terra, civil context and the subject of tourism exploitation
zhao fei yu ; fan bin ; fang zuo lai ; zhao fu xiang
The adjust by the state ownership of high education in Yunnan
chen dan ni ; liu jian
A brightest literary star in Yunnan's literary world
zhou wen lin
Sun Yat-sun and the constitutionalism of nine rights
zhang bao hua
On the Weber's modernity thoughts
bi tian yun
On contradiction analyses and system analyses methods of Marxist philosophy
zhang tian xiang ; yang bian bian