Microwave hyperthermia enhancing chemotherapeutic efficacy in retinoblastoma cells in vitro
CHEN Hua-Yan;YIN Yan-Yan;YE Fan;CHANG Jun-Biao;WANG Lei;School of Basic Medicine;Zhengzhou University;College of Public Health;Zhengzhou University;Department of Public Health;Xinxiang Medical University;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Zhengzhou University;School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering;Zhengzhou University;School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Zhengzhou University;
Roles of Bax and Bcl-2 in ARPE-19 cell apoptosis induced by acrolein
ZOU Xiu-Lan;WANG Guan-Feng;PI Rong-Biao;LI Wen-Li;YU Yong-Zhen;ZOU Yu-Ping;Department of Ophthalmology;Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command;Department of Ophthalmology;the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University;Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology;School of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Sun Yat-Sen University;Disease Prevention and Control Center of Guangdong Province;