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Rock and Mineral Analysis
2012 Issue 5
The Application of Au-Ag Nanomaterials in the Colorimetric Detection of Mercury
LI Hong-hong;CHEN Xing-guo
Application Progress of Chromatography in the Separation and Determination of Rare Earth Elements
GUAN Jin;HE Chuan-chang;REN Li-yan;NIU Qiu-ling;YAN Feng;SHI Shuang
The Application Status of LIMS in the Geoanalysis Laboratory of China
LI Song;WU Shu-qi;LUO Dai-hong;RAO Zhu
Extraction and Purification of Quartz for in situ Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating
ZHANG Li;WU Zhen-kun;SONG Shao-hua;CHANG Hong;ZHAO Guo-qing
Simulataneous Determination of Li, Na, K, Ca, Mg, B, S, Cl in Brine by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
GUO Lin;ZHAO Huai-ying;WEN Hong-li;GONG Ai-hua;SUN Hong-bin
Rapid Identification Methods on the Characteristic Information of the Micro-zone in Common Rocks and Minerals by Laser Ablation Spectroscopy
TAN Jing;GUO Dong-fa;ZHANG Yan-hui;ZHANG Liang-sheng;XIA Chen-guang;XIE Sheng-kai;LI Bo-ping
A New Vacuum-distilled Extraction Apparatus for Desert Soil Water and Its Application
SUN Jiang;RAO Wen-bo;SUN Xue;ZHOU Hui-fang;SU Zhi-guo
Law of Colloid Release for Sediments in the Exchange Process of Saline Groundwater and Reservoir Water
LI Hai-ming;MA Bin;LI Zi-chen;ZHAO Xue
ning zhi hui , ju xin ling , zuo jing du bi
Mechanism Study on a Combined Denitrification Approach for Nitrate-Contaminated Groundwater Remediation
HUANG Guo-xin;GAO Yun-he;Howard Fallowfield;Huade Guan;LIU Fei
Negative Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometric Analysis with Different Reaction Gases for Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides
GUI Jian-ye;ZHANG Li;ZHANG Yong-tao;ZUO Hai-ying;LI Xiao-ya;TIAN Lai-sheng;ZHAO Guo-xing;XING Chen-xi
Flux Estimation of Carbon Sink in Typical Karst Water Systems
PEI Jian-guo;ZHANG Cheng;ZHANG Qiang;ZHU Qin
Ore Genesis and Ore-forming Age of the Tiemahabaqin Ultra-low-grade Iron Deposit in Chengde, Hebei Province, China
LI Li-xing;LI Hou-min;WANG De-zhong;LIU Ming-jun;YANG Xiu-qing;CHEN Jing
Metallogenesis of the Tuomoerte Fe-(Mn) Deposit in Altay, Xinjiang
YANG Fu-quan;GUO Xu-ji;HUANG Cheng-ke;LIU Feng;CHAI Feng-mei;GENG Xin-xia;ZHANG Bao-jiang