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Rock and Mineral Analysis
2000 Issue 2
Development of Determination of Thallium by AAS
TAN Chun-hua;TANG Zhi-yong
Electrothermal Vaporization/ICP-AES and Its Application in the Analysis of Rare Earth Elements
JIANG Zu-cheng;HU Bin;PENG Tian-you;QIN Yong-chao;LIAO Zhen-huan
Study on High Sensitive Color Reaction of Diantipyryl-(p-hydroxy-) viny lphenyl -methane with Vanadium(Ⅴ)
ZHOU Shi-ping;DUAN De-liang;YANG Guang-yu;YIN Jia-yuan;YANG Wen-fan
Development of a New Carburizing Agent for Steel-making--a Kind of Semi-graphite
SUN Xiao-cheng;QU Ying-fa;YAN Fa-ming
Determination of Gallium and Indium in Ore by Oscillographic Chronopotentiometry
HU Juan;ZHANG Zhen-hai;LI Qing-bin;FAN Qiu-ling
Dating of the Groundwater by 32Si--Liquid Scintillation Counting Method
ZHOU Lian;LIU Cun-fu;WANG Pei-yi
Determination of BTEX Compounds in Debris Samples by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography
WANG Jun-qi;SHI Xiang-yang;YANG Guang-wei;ZHANG Song-wei;LIN Yu-xia;MA Wan-yun;CHEN Die-yan
Determination of Bio-marker Compounds in Maoming Oil Shale by SFE/GC-MS
WANG Hai-xia;RAO Zhu;JIANG Lin
Phase Analysis for Gold
LU Yin-xiu;BAI Jin-feng
Determination of Arsenic in Fumaric Acid by HG-AFS
LUE Ai-shan
Determination of Cation Exchange Capacity of Expansive Soils
CHEN Ji-mei;GONG Guan;ZHAO Lian-qiang;SUN Xiao-cheng
Quality Control and Quality Evaluation of Analytical Data in Isotope Geology
ZHANG Zi-chao;YU Bi-sheng
Microbore HPLC and Its Applications
LONG Mei;PEI Shi-qiao