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Engineering Construction
2008 Issue 2
jian xun
zheng ce fa gui
gong cheng jian she xiang mu xin xi
Game analysis of financing risk preference in engineering projects
Zhang Fengming;Xu Manhua
On reform of certified qualification system in construction industry
Guo Zhitao;Xian Yanyan
Winter construction technology for concrete project
Li Li
Discussion on repairing technology of concrete crack
Chen Hui;Yang Yanke;Song Dengfu
Design of wide-flat-beam of partially prestressed concrete
Jin Lingzhi;Cao Xia;Fu Qiang
Grounding of electrical installations in buildings
Yi Shuguang
Effect of water on slope stability and prevention and control measures
Zhou Han;Xu Zemin;Wu Jimin
Experimental research on pore structure of concrete mixed with fly ash
Qi Chunmina;Dai Ming;Liu Qingheng
A wall element macro-model of T-shaped short-leg shear wall
He Xiwei;Li Qingning