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Journal of Astronautics
2009 Issue 3
The Research of Dynamic Characteristics for the Strap-on Launch Vehicle
WANG Jian-min;RONG Ke-lin;FENG Ying-chuan;LIN Hong;LI Shuang
Review on Derivative-Free Nonlinear Bayesian Filtering Methods
CHENG Shui-ying;ZOU Ji-wei;TANG Peng
Spacecraft Gliding Trajectory Optimization
ZHENG Yue-ying;LIU Hui;LI Jun-feng
Ascent Trajectory Optimization and Fast-Reconstruction for Suborbital Launch Vehicle
DING Hong-bo;CAO Yuan;Tong Wei-ping;CAI Hong
Active vibration control for Flexible Spacecraft using an Adaptive Fuzzy Observer
CAI Peng;WANG Qing-chao
Numerical Investigation of Hyersonic Aroedynamics of Flat Plate Flying in Near Space
Discrimination Method for Ballistic Active Decoys Based on Dynamics Conversation Law
RAO Bin;WANG Xue-song;DAN Mei;XIAO Shun-ping
A Separate Bias Robust Filter in Autonomous Navigation for Satellite
LI Ming-qun;WEI Chun-ling;YUAN Jun;NI Mao-lin
Satellite Autonomous Orbit Determination Based on Magnetometers and Sun Sensors
XIE Xiang-hua;ZHANG Rui;ZHANG Jing
On the Second Order Clock Bias Model in Orbit Determination for the MEO Satellite
HU Xuan-yu;HUANG Yong;HU Xiao-gong;JIAO Wen-hai
Study of Rapid Transfer Alignment Error Model
DAI Shao-wu;LI Juan;DAI Hong-de;ZHOU Shao-lei;CHEN Ming
The Master Model Technology for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Flight Vehicle
GONG Chun-lin;GU Liang-xian;YUAN Jian-ping
The Study on the Consistency Check Method of IMU Errors Before and After Launching
XIAO Zheng-lin;MOU Jian-hua;CHEN Fang;ZHU Xiao-hua
An Integrated Nonlinear Guide-Control Strategy with Missile's High Order Dynamic Nature in Consideratio
ZHAO Zhen-hao;SHEN Yi;LI Kai-cong;HAN Ye-feng
Analytical Predictive Guidance for Space-to-ground Kinetic Weapon in Reentry
HU Zheng-dong;GUO Cai-fa;CAI Hong
Fast Closed-loop Guidance Law with Finite Thrust Amplitude Jets for Rendezvous
CHEN Wei-yue;JING Wu-xing;CHENG Bo
Pressure Influence Research for MEMS Comb Linear Vibrated Gyroscope
GUO Qiu-fen;SUN Feng;HAO Yan-ling;LI Feng;ZHU Qiang
Attitude Controller Design for Larger Angle Maneuver Based on Similar Skew-symmetric Structure
LIU Yi-cheng;ZHANG Tao;SONG Jing-yan;LIANG Bin
Multi-Slide-Mode Control for Automatic Docking of Space
LIU Sai-na;JIANG Yu-xian;ZHAO Xia
A Study on Dynamics and Control for Target Detection in Satellite Formation Flying
GAO You-tao;LU Yu-ping;XU Bo
Attitude Determination Method for Near Space Vehicle Based on Adaptive Sampling Filters
QU Cong-shan;XU Hua-long;TAN Ying;SONG Min-da
Research on Optimal Control of Distributed Satellite System Formation Based on Iteration of Generating Function Approximation
CHEN Qi-feng;ZHANG Yue-dong;WU Wen-zhao;DAI Jin-hai
A Real Time Estimation Method of Degree of Observability for Linear System Using Kalman Filter
LU Jia-zhen;ZHANG Chun-xi;YAN Ting-yang
Robust Attitude Tracking Control of Spacecraft with Flexible Appendages
LI Zheng-xue;WANG Ben-li;MA Xing-rui
The Strategies and Algorithms Study For Multi-GEO Satellites Collocation
LI Heng-nian;GAO Yi-jun;YU Pei-jun;LI Ji-sheng;HUANG Yong-xuan
The Representation of Moving Targets in Multi-channel UWB SAR Images and It's Application in Image Domain GMTI Methods
CHANG Yu-lin;HUANG Xiao-tao;ZHOU Hong;ZHOU Zhi-min
Blind Multi-user Detector Based on Adaptive Kalman Filter
LEI Li-hua;SHI Hu-li;MA Guan-yi
Micro-motion Feature Extraction of Spatial Ballistic Target Based on HRRP Dynamic Sequence
ZHU Yu-peng;WANG Hong-qiang;Li Xiang;Xiao Shun-pin
An IPv6 Address Assignment Protocol Based on Multi-agents for Wireless Sensor Networks
LUO Dan-yan;ZUO De-cheng;YANG Xiao-zong
Research on an Improved Method of Hybrid Interference Cancellation under Multi-path Channels
XU Ding-jie;GUO Shao-bin;WANG Wei
Fuzzy Uncertainties in Spacecraft Observation Rescheduling and Its Handling
LI Yu-qing;XU Min-qiang;WANG Ri-xin
Research on Tri-axial Stabilization Mechanics for Flat SOTM on Vehicle
XU Hua-chun;HAO Lu-yao;JIN Wei
A Constant Envelope Enhanced FQPSK Modulation for Deep Space Communication
XIE Zhi-dong;ZHANG Geng-xin
An On-board Switch Scheme Based on OFDM and Cross-Layer Design
DANG Jun-hong;YAN Jian;CAO Zhi-gang
Research on High Dynamic GPS Software Receiver
WANG Shi-cheng;YANG Dong-fang;LIU Zhi-guo;LUO Da-cheng;ZHANG Jin-sheng
Approach for GPS Navigation Basing on Bayesian Theorem
ZHOU Ze-bo;SHEN Yun-zhong
A Method of Selection Matching Suitability Characteristic Parameter Based on Rough Set Theory in Geomagnetism Matching Guidance
WANG Zhe;WANG Shi-cheng;ZHANG Jin-sheng;QIAO Yu-kun;CHEN Li-hua
Time Synchronization in Sensor Network with Pulse-coupled Oscillator
LING Xiang;JIANG Yong-hua
A New Discretization Algorithm for Continuous Interval-valued Attributes
GUAN Xin;YI Xiao;HE You;ZHOU Yi-yu
Electromagnetic Compatibility Design for Controller in Space System
WANG Zhi-qiang;CHEN Qi-zhong;GU Xing-sheng
Design of Digital Compensator for Dynamic Thrust Measurement
CHEN Lin;LI jian-xun;CHEN Jie
Investigation and Elimination of Air Bubbles in the Bonding Assemblies of Space Solar Cells
ZHAO Hui;FU Zhuang;LI Pei-bo;ZHAO Yan-zheng
Research on Cushion Properties and its Evaluation Methods of Legged-type Lander's Shock Absorber
LIU Rong-qiang;LUO Chang-jie;WANG Chuang;DENG Zong-quan;LI Meng
Multi-Rod Deep Driller for Lunar Subsurface Sampling
DING Xi-lun;LI Ke-jia;YIN Zhong-wang
Impact Localization in Composite Using Two-step Method by Triangulation Technique and Optimization Technique
SU Yong-zhen;YUAN Shen-fang;ZHOU Heng-bao
Wave Rebuilding Method for the Active Lamb Wave Based Structural Damage Imaging
WANG Qiang;YUAN Shen-fang
Operation Complexity Measure of Emergency Failure Operation Procedure in Spaceflight
ZHANG Yi-jing;WU Bin;LI Zhi-zhong;WANG Yi;XU Song;WU Su
Boundary Fragment Model based Recognition Method in the Deep-Space Exploration
AN Meng;JIANG Zhi-guo;ZHAO Dan-pei
Improving Accelerated Lift Model Adopting BOX-COX Transformation
Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Method to Measure and Assess the Security and Reliability of the Spacecraft Launch Towers
YI Shan-zhen;SUN Ya-du;LIU Zhan-qing;LIU Xiao-hua;HUANG Wei;HAN Ling;YIN Xu-feng;CHEN Fang-ming
Key Algorithm and Technique of VRS Network RTK and Precision Analysis
KE Fu-yang;WANG Qing;PAN Shu-guo;ZHAO Yi;PENG Hui
Research on Chinese Aerospace Enterprise Value Target Based on Production Function Method
ZHAO Feng-xue;LI Yi-jun;DONG Pei-wu
A Method of Craters Detection from the Surface Imagery of Moon
DING Meng;CAO Yun-feng;WU Qing-xian
Reliability Analysis of Satellite System Based on Dynamic Fault Tree
ZHANG Xiao-jie;ZHAO Hai-tao;MIAO Qiang;ZHANG Wei;HUANG Hong-zhong
A Comparison of Iterative Repair Strategies for Earth Observing Satellites Imaging Scheduling
GUO Yu-hua;LI Jun;ZHAO Ke;WANG Jun;JING Ning