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Remote Sensing Information
2005 Issue 4
qi ye xin wen
guo nei xin wen
guo ji xin wen
A Light Airborne Remote Sensing System for Landuse Application and Land Resource Management
LI Ying-cheng;ZHAO Ji-cheng;DING Xiao-bo
Band Selection from Hyperspectral Data of Forestry Species
LIU Xiu-ying;LIN Hui;XIONG Jian-li;XIONG Yu-jiu;SUN Hua;MO Deng-kui
Analysis of Image Pixel Proportion on Cultivated Land Change
LI Xiang-jun;NIU Zheng;WANG Wen;WU Yun-chao
Correcting Satellite Imagery for Topographic Effects
WU Rui-dong
The Expansion Research of Dongying CityUsing Remote Sensing Image
Sheng Hui;LIAO Ming-sheng;ZHANG Lu
A Quality Assessment of MODIS LAI Product in Heihe and Hanjiang River Basins
HU Shao-ying;ZHANG Wang-chang
Reliability Analysis of the Accuracy of Crop Yield Estimation Based on GVG Sampling System
ZHANG Hai-zhen;ZHOU Wan-cun;LI Ai-nong;ZHOU Qi-gang;JIANG Xiao-bo
Study on the Effect Evaluation of Image Fusion
ZHAO Lu-yan;YIN Jun
Semi-Automatic Habitation Collection in Aerial Image
ZHAI Hui-qin;WANG Ming-xiao
De-noise of Hyperspectral Image Based on Wavelet Transformation
WU Chuan-qing;TONG Qing-xi;ZHENG Lan-fen
Dry-leaf Biochemistry Retrieval by the Position Variables of Derivative Spectra
SHEN Yan;NIU Zheng;Wang Wen;XU Yong-ming
Study on Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Simulation-A Review
Buffer Generation Based on Node Equivalent Transformation
YANG Lei-ku;BIAN Zheng-fu;ZHANG Yan-ping
Geographic Information Portrayal Based on XML
YIN Zhang-cai;LI Lin;ZHU Hai-hong