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Journal of Remote Sensing
2006 Issue 5
Validation of Polynomial Expression Model and Inversion of Crop Cover Rate
LI Jing;LIU Qiang;LIU Qin-huo;XIAO Qing
Methodolagy of Winter Wheat Yield Prediction based on Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data with Crop Growth Model
YAN Yan;LIU Qin-huo;LIU Qian;LI Jing;CHEN Liang-fu
Research on Remote Sensing Model for FPAR Absorbed by Chlorophyll
GAO Yan-hua;CHEN Liang-fu;LIU Qin-huo;GU Xing-fa;TIAN Guo-liang
Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from CBERS-02 IRMSS Thermal Infrared Data and Its Applications in Quantitative Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect
ZHANG Yong;YU Tao;GU Xing-fa;ZHANG Yu-xiang;CHEN Liang-fu;YU Shan-shan;ZHANG Wen-jun;LI Xiao-wen
The Soil Moisture Detection for Different Vegetation Coverage Based on the MODIS Data
CHENG Yu;CHEN Liang-fu;LIU Qin-huo;ZHANG Hao;GU Xing-fa
Modeling Envisat-1 Dual-Polarized Data and Its Applications
LI Zhen;CHEN Quan;REN Xin
The Application of HJ-1 Hyperspectral Imaging Radiometer to Retrieve Aerosol Optical Thickness over Land
SUN Lin;LIU Qin-huo;CHEN Liang-fu;LIU Qiang
Retrieval and Analysis of Aerosol Optical Thickness over Qianyanzhou Region
YUAN Hai-jun;GU Xing-fa;CHEN Liang-fu;YU Tao;LIU Qiang;LI Xiao-wen
Estimation of Water Vapor Amount over Beijing from Sun Photometer Measurements
ZHANG Yu-xiang;LI Xiao-jing;GU Xing-fa
Atmospheric Correction for Chinese Coastal Turbid Waters Using Iteration and Optimization Method
DING Jing;TANG Jun-wu;SONG Qing-jun;WANG Xiao-mei
Study on Simulation of the Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Echo Data
GUO Ding;GU Xing-fa;YU Tao;LI Zhen;LI Xiao-ying
HJ-1C SAR Image Simulation Based on Geometrical and Radiometric Characters
CHEN Quan;LI Zhen;WEI Xiao-lan
An Algorithm for Initilizing of K-Means Clustering Based on Mean-standard Deviation
ZHANG Wen-jun;GU Xing-fa;CHEN Liang-fu;YU Tao;XU Hua
A Fast Atmospheric Correction Method Based on CBERS-02 Data
WANG Zhong-ting;CHEN Liang-fu;GU Xing-fa;XU Hua
Atmospheric Correction of CBERS-02 CCD Image
YI Wei-ning;HE Chao-lan;QIAO Yan-li;MIN Xiang-jun;FU Qiao-yan;PENG Ni-na;LUO Jun
Wavelet Image Denoisong in Wavelet Shrinkage Ways
LI Chong;GU Xing-fa
The Geometric Evaluation of Beijing-1 Microsatellite Multispectral Images
CHEN Zheng-chao;LUO Wen-fei;ZHANG Hao;LIU Xiang;ZHANG Liang
Investigating the Gap Frequency of a Maize Canopy Using Night TIR Data
YU Shan-shan;YU Tao;GU Xing-fa;ZHAO Feng;GAO Hai-liang;ZHANG Yong
Field of View Effect on the Remote Sensing Field Radiometric Measurements
LI Li;QIAO Yan-li;GU Xing-fa;YU Tao
Modeling of 3D Canopy's Radiation Transfer in the VNIR and TIR Domains
ZHAO Feng;GU Xing-fa;LIU Qiang;YU Tao;CHEN Liang-fu;GAO Hai-liang
Modelling Directional Brightness Temperature over a Simple Typical Structure of Urban Areas
YU Tao;TIAN Qi-yan;GU Xing-fa;WANG Jin;LIU Qiang;YAN Guang-jian
New Calibration Method for Soil Roughness Parameters with AMSR-E Observations
WANG Lei;LI Zhen;CHEN Quan
The Influence of Atmospheric Refraction on Aerial Digital Remote Sensing
WEI Zheng;HU Fang-chao;ZHANG Bing
Enhanced Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for CCD Camera by Considering BRDF of Calibration Sites
LI Xiao-ying;GU Xing-fa;YU Tao;LI Xiao-wen
A New Method of Relative Radioactive Correction Based on Image Statistic
ZHANG Bing;ZHANG Hao;CHEN Zheng-chao;LIU Xiang;LUO Wen-fei;ZHANG Liang
The In-flight Absolute Calibrations for CBERS-02 CCD and SPOT-4 HRVIR1 Sensors at Dunhuang Test Site and the Comparison based on Their Coefficients
GUO Jian-ning;MIN Xiang-jun;FU Qiao-yan;LI Xing-chao;PAN Zhi-qiang;FENG Chun;GUO Yi;HUANG Shi-cun;LI Qi-ming;TANG Wei-ping
Whole-Process Radiometric Calibration of Optical Remote Sensors
QIAO Yan-li;ZHENG Xiao-bing;WANG Xian-hua;ZHANG Li-ming;YI Wei-ning;WANG Le-yi
gu xing fa