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Operations Research and Management Science
2002 Issue 2
Research on Investment Size of Onshore Oilfield Development
chen xing de ; yu bing ; chang guan qun ; gong yun lan
Operation Scheme Evaluation IDSS Study
dong shu jun ; zhang qing jie ; yang yu lin ; shi fu xiang
Quantitative Analysis of the Influence of Informationization on Economic Growth
xing zhi qiang ; zhao xiu heng
Risk Analysis of the Interest Rate of Bond
wang min ; zuo qi chun
Analysis of Generalized Fuzzy Linear Programming
li rong jun
Uncertain Programming: Current Status and Future Prospects
peng jin ; liu bao zuo
Optimization Model,Algorithm and Application for Designing the Trajectory of Horizontal Well
jiang sheng zong ; wei yan hua ; qian wei zuo ; feng en min
A Bayesian Plan of Qualification Test in Exponential Case
chen yi hui ; jiang li ping ; wu shu he
Solutions and Analysis of Logic Ring Stochastic Model with Unbalanced Load
wang si ming ; liu jin mei
A Proof for the Theorem of Saked & Sutton(1984)
zhang shu yi
The Trick Problems about a Continuous Game
jiang dian yu
An Improved Grey Predictive Linear Program
cheng hua bin ; wu xiao ping
The Steepest Descent Rule Is a Usable Rule
xia shao gang ; liu jin hui