Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency: A Mutation Update
Ljubica Caldovic;Iman Abdikarim;Sahas Narain;Mendel Tuchman;Hiroki Morizono;Department of Integrative Systems Biology;Center for Genetic Medicine Research;Children’s National Health System;Department of Anthropology;College of Arts and Sciences;Washington University;Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies;College of Medicine;Drexel University;
Orotidine Monophosphate Decarboxylase——A Fascinating Workhorse Enzyme with Therapeutic Potential
Masahiro Fujihashi;Jagjeet S.Mnpotra;Ram Kumar Mishra;Emil F.Pai;Lakshmi P.Kotra;Department of Chemistry;Graduate School of Science;Kyoto University;Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry;The University of North Carolina at Greensboro;Center for Molecular Design and Preformulations;and Toronto General Research Institute;University Health Network;Department of Biochemistry;University of Toronto;Department of Medical Biophysics;University of Toronto;Department of Molecular Genetics;University of Toronto;Princess Margaret Cancer Center;University Health Network;Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy;University of Toronto;
Jure Piskur (1960—2014)
Birgitte Munch-Petersen;Zoran Gojkovic;Wolfgang Knecht;Department of Science;Systems and Models;Roskilde University;The Department of Applied Yeast Research;Carlsberg Laboratory;Department of Biology;Molecular Cell Biology & Lund Protein Production Platform;Lund University;