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Journal of Genetics and Genomics
2015 Issue 5
May the Force Be with You: Metabolism of Arginine and Pyrimidines
Ji-Long Liu;Medical Research Council Functional Genomics Unit;Department of Physiology;Anatomy and Genetics;University of Oxford;
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency: A Mutation Update
Ljubica Caldovic;Iman Abdikarim;Sahas Narain;Mendel Tuchman;Hiroki Morizono;Department of Integrative Systems Biology;Center for Genetic Medicine Research;Children’s National Health System;Department of Anthropology;College of Arts and Sciences;Washington University;Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies;College of Medicine;Drexel University;
Pyrimidine Metabolism: Dynamic and Versatile Pathways in Pathogens and Cellular Development
Manuel F.Garavito;Heidy Y.Narváez-Ortiz;Barbara H.Zimmermann;Department of Biological Sciences;Los Andes University;
Orotic Acid, More Than Just an Intermediate of Pyrimidine de novo Synthesis
Monika L?ffler;Elizabeth A.Carrey;Elke Zameitat;Institute of Physiological Chemistry;Faculty of Medicine;Philipps University Marburg;UCL Institute of Child Health;University College London;
Orotidine Monophosphate Decarboxylase——A Fascinating Workhorse Enzyme with Therapeutic Potential
Masahiro Fujihashi;Jagjeet S.Mnpotra;Ram Kumar Mishra;Emil F.Pai;Lakshmi P.Kotra;Department of Chemistry;Graduate School of Science;Kyoto University;Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry;The University of North Carolina at Greensboro;Center for Molecular Design and Preformulations;and Toronto General Research Institute;University Health Network;Department of Biochemistry;University of Toronto;Department of Medical Biophysics;University of Toronto;Department of Molecular Genetics;University of Toronto;Princess Margaret Cancer Center;University Health Network;Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences;Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy;University of Toronto;
Non-Viral Deoxyribonucleoside Kinases——Diversity and Practical Use
Louise Slot Christiansen;Birgitte Munch-Petersen;Wolfgang Knecht;Department of Biology;Lund University;Department of Science;Systems and Models;Roskilde University;Lund Protein Production Platform;Lund University;
The Study of Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase 1 Deficiency Sheds Light on the Mechanism for Switching On/Off the Urea Cycle
Carmen Díez-Fernández;José Gallego;Johannes H?berle;Javier Cervera;Vicente Rubio;Institute for Biomedicine of Valencia of the Spanish Research Council;Medical School of the Catholic University of Valencia;University Children’s Hospital Zurich and Children’s Research Center;Centre for Biomedical Networking Research on Rare Diseases of the Carlos Ⅲ Health Institute;
CTP Synthase Is Required for Optic Lobe Homeostasis in Drosophila
?mür Y.Tastan;Ji-Long Liu;Medical Research Council Functional Genomics Unit;Department of Physiology;Anatomy and Genetics;University of Oxford;
Jure Piskur (1960—2014)
Birgitte Munch-Petersen;Zoran Gojkovic;Wolfgang Knecht;Department of Science;Systems and Models;Roskilde University;The Department of Applied Yeast Research;Carlsberg Laboratory;Department of Biology;Molecular Cell Biology & Lund Protein Production Platform;Lund University;
Journal of Genetics and Genomics