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Journal of Yanbian University(Social Science Edition)
2007 Issue 5
lai gao xu zhi
The Modernization of Humans and Society
XU Yi-fei
An Assessment of the Study of Althusser's Theory of Ideology
JI Chang-Jun
Ethical Rules in Objective Demonstration
NI Yin-lin
A Comparison of Chang Tsai and Xu Jing-de's Theories of Human Natures
JIN Zhe-zhu;WANG Jin-fu
The Integration of Book Format Designing
JIN Sheng-xuan
Integration and Reconstruction: A New Viewpoint of Multi-campus Cultures
HOU Zhis-hui;ZHENG Jie
The Marking Function of () and () in Korean Language
JIN Xiang-hua
The Adaptation of Rhetoric for Topics and Contexts
WU Shou-Feng;WEI Xiao-Hui
Xu Zhi-mo's Viewpoints about Nature
CUI Gui-ying
The Exploration of the Poetic Category in Koryo Dynasty of Korea
ZHANG Zhen-ting;JIN Hai-jiu
Taxation in Ancient China and Population Increase
AO Ting
On the "Colour Revolutions" in CIS
XU Hai-yan
The Practical Outstripping of Marxism in Mao Zhe-dong's Scientific Exposition
WANG Hao-bin;WANG Fei-nan