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Journal of Yanbian University(Social Science Edition)
2002 Issue 2
Political And Literary Interpretation of The Book of Songs
zhao zong lai
Research on the Second Xuantu County
ni yi
The Comparison among English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese Subject
zhang ming hua ; pu shun yu
The Structural Feature of Metaphor from Metephor Rhetoric in Bailu Yuan
nie hong ying ; huang zhen ji
Art of Vocal Music and Skill of Enunciation
li zong tian
The Ecological Value Assessments of Changbai Mountain Forests --Focusing on Helong Forested Area
zhang san huan ; zhu wei hong ; wang lin
On the Juvenile Aristocrat Organization in Silla
cui xian xiang
The Administration Immediately Compulsory Term
wang fu ning
The Constitution Guarantee and the Development of the Human Rights
xu yuan xian ; jia peng yu
On Changing Environment of Regional Economic Cooperations in Northeast Asia
jin cheng nan ; guo chang hu
American Effects on Geopolitical Safety of China
wang xiao bo ; xu da chao
Idea and Choice of Practice Pattern about Socialist Economy
wang zhi wei ; li yu qing