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Rare Metals
1997 Issue 4
effect of cooling rate on microstructure of alloy ti3al-10nb-3v-1mo
Zhang Qihai;Zhou Guangjue and Wu YanruGeneral Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China
Electroreduction of Yb(Ⅲ) on Co Cathode in Molten Chloride
Liu Guankun;Tong Yexiang;Yang Qiqin;Hong Huichan and Chen ShengyangInstitute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Zhongshan University;Guangzhou 510275;China
enginered interfaces for adherent coatings
Hou Qingrun and Gao JuDepartment of Physics;The University of Hong Kong;Pokfulam Road;Hong Kong
thermodynamic analysis of burning resistivity of ti-cr-v-mo alloys
Liu Yuqin;Zhuang Weidong;Bai Kewu;Shen JianyunCorresponding author;professor and Zhang ZhuGeneral Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China
gas-sensing properties of bismuth iron molybdate thin films
Hu XingdingGeneral Research Institute for Non ferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China
Thermodynamic Analysis of Ga-As-Sb-C-H System and Design of MOVPE Process for Ga(As,Sb) Semiconductor
Li Jingbo;Zhang Weijing;Li Changrong and Du ZhenminDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
preparation and characteristics of nd:kgw above-conversion luminescent material
Wu Shaohua;Zang Kecun;Ren Yanli;Lou Xinhui and Zheng DaweiDept. of Environmental Chemistry;Beijing Polytechnic University;Beijing 100022;China
Procedure for Sensitive Kinetic Determination of Silver Based on Catalytic Effect on Ligand Substitution Reaction
He Ronghuan and Wang JianhuaChemistry Department;Yantai Normal University;Yantai 264025;China
Effect of Thermal Cycling Treatment on Microyield Behavior of Al2O3p/Al Composite
Li Yichun;Fan Jianzhong;Zhang Kui;Zhang Shaoming;Shi LikaiGeneral Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China Wu Gaohui;Sun Dongli and Yang DezhuangHarbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Thermodynamic Description of Ni-Co-Gd System
Su Xuping;Zhang Weijing and Du ZhenminDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
mechanochemical effects on synthesis of bi-pb-sr-ca-cu-o superconductor
Li XimingInstitute of Chemical Metallurgy;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China Masanobu AwanoNational Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya;Agency of Industrial Science and Technology;Japan
preparation of la-ni based alloys used in ni-metal hydride bateries by mechanical alloying
Li Dongpei;Ying Qiming;Zhang JianGeneral Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China Frank J. LincolnThe University of Western Australia;WA6907;Australia
development of hexachloroiridic acid anticorosive coating
Ji Caixia and Zhu JishouGeneral Reaearch Institute for Nonferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China
thermal decomposition of pyrite, arsenopyrite and auriferous concentrates in the presence of sodium
Hu Yaoqin;Li Guoxun;Yu Qiang;Zhou Chuanhua and Wang ChaoqunGeneral Research Institute of Non ferrous Metals;Beijing 100088;China
behavior of cl- ions in ag so3 23- solution
Wang Xuewen and Hu JianhuiReceived 26 March 1997