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Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle
2001 Issue 4
Trouble Shooting for Small Diesel Engine s
xue yun lian
Development of Vertical DC Dynamometer
zhang shu jun ; ren jing le ; ji xue dong ; jing ping ; xu xiao min ; zheng wen qiang
Investigation on the Sea ling Problems of Motorcycle Engines
zhang rui ; wang da peng ; liu yan
Technical Analysis of Sp ark Ignited Natural Gas Engines
qiu xian wen ; wu hua jie
Features and Technic K ey Points of Gas Automobiles
hu ding jun ; zhu hui
Swirl Chamber Diesel E ngine Performance Improvement and Exhaust Emission Reduction
liang feng biao ; li de tao ; pan jian feng ; hu lin feng ; wu jian
The Influence of Prope rties of Fuel on Exhaust Emissions from the Engines
deng yuan wang ; zhu mei lin ; xiang dong ; cheng xiao bei
Application of Hall Sen sor to Electronic Control System of Smal l Engines
mu wei qiang ; sun cheng jun ; zhou da sen
Application of Modern C ontrol Techniques to A/F Ratio Control
song jian feng ; li guo zuo ; zhang xin
CAN Bus Hardware and So ftware Interface Design for In-Vehicle E CU
xu cang su ; xing jian guo
The Effects of EGR on P erformances of Diesel Engines
zhang zuo sheng ; chang han bao ; lu yi hong