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Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle
2000 Issue 5
Analysis and Countermeasures against Faults of Piston Rings for Motorcycle Engines
Ke Kaibo;Xia Mingqi;Zhang Longxun
Several Problems in Fault Diagnosis of Internal Combustion Engines with Image Processing
Xia Yong;Shang Binliang;Zhang Zhenren;Xue Mogen;Guo Minfang
Numerical Simulation of Automotive Catalytic Converters
Shuai Shijin;Wang Jianxin;Zhuang Renjun
Parameter Selection of Motorcycle Ignition Coils and Analysis of the Magnetic Cores
Ren Lihuan;Li Jiaguo;Liu Yingshu
Dynamic Property Constraints in Optimization of Motorcycle Structure
Lan Jun;Dai Haitao;Zhang Junhong
Cylinder Bore and Stroke Optimization Design Using Genetic Algorithm
Lu Languang;Zhang Xiaojun;Cui Kerun
Design and Development of a High Speed Diesel Engine with Long Stroke
Yao Chunde;He Bangquan;Zhou Guangyou;Liu Feng
Research of SimDiesel Program Module Technique
Xiao Min;Zhang Qingsong;Cheng Changqi
An Experimental Investgation into the Influence of Preignition on the Combustion and Exhaust Emissions of Diesel Engines
Pei Yiqiang;Sun Fang;Wang Yang;Xie Hui;Lin Tiejian;Su Wanhua